What’s in a Word

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Heidi’s Happiness

Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere,
doing something else, being someone else.
Isaac Asimov

Being aware of what kinds of words we use can literally change the way we feel, how we deal with stress, and how we acknowledge or react to life’s challenges.

Scientific studies on the effect of sound vibration with our DNA shows that our DNA can be influenced by the types of words (frequencies) that are used.

I am in the infant stages of learning to change my language and how I perceive experiences. This awareness is changing the way I live my life.

A friend and I were talking the other day about bills. She was dreading having to go through the bills and paying them. It’s not that she didn’t have the money, she was in the mindset that it was something she was to dread. When we talked about changing the wording from I have to, to I get to, it just felt lighter, better, more positive.

By simply changing the word from have to get the vibration of the statement changes.

I have another friend that is very much aware of how she uses her words. I love being around her as her choice of words remind me of how I want to be living my life. So many of us use the word have, I have to go to the store, I have to pay bills, I have to take care of my children, I have to go to work. She uses the word get instead. I am reminded that yes, I get to experience these things also!

I have a client that was constantly feeling like she didn’t have time and was rushing (sometimes speeding) to get to the next appointment or place. I talked with her about changing her wording to “I have all the time I need” instead of “I don’t have enough time”. A few weeks later I saw her again and she shared with me that by changing the wording she felt less stress and things went much more smoothly for her.

This human life that we live, we can look at it in the same way. While there may be experiences that we don’t necessarily like and would rather just skip, instead of thinking of how dreadful something is, we have the choice to look at it in terms of getting to experience them.

How can you become more aware of the words you use? What ways can you start changing your own vibration to reduce stress, feel happiness and affect the world you live in?

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.