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Heidi’s Happiness

Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere,
doing something else, being someone else.
Isaac Asimov

Have patience – – you are heading there, you can’t jump from A to Z without learning the alphabet in-between.  Learn, take it all in, pay attention, listen and hear the messages.  When an opportunity presents itself, be open to it.

I was going through old Word documents looking for a subject to write about and came across the above quote in one of my journals. It so resonates with me, especially for the part of my journey I was experiencing at the time.

Learn the lesson, whatever the lesson may be. Many times, whatever it is we may be going through, especially if it’s painful, we want to be able to move through it quickly so that we don’t have the hurt, pain and being uncomfortable. However, if we go from A to Z before learning in between, the lesson just keeps showing up until we take the time to learn, sometimes even slowing down and meditating on what and how we got to this place.

In my life, there have been times that I wish I could have jump from A to Z. There have been some really dark times that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. But then, I wouldn’t have been able to develop the strength, the inner guidance, the trust and faith that all is working out the way it needs to.

Many times, the vision of the outcome I had, is nothing compared to how things turned out. So many times, the experience is what makes the outcome even sweeter.

Are you going through some life experiences right now? Do you wish to jump from A to Z? How can you shift your perception so that you embrace the B to Y? Being open and allowing is one step. Asking Spirit to show you a different way to see things is another. Allow the flow and you’ll be amazed how much smoother things will go.

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.