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I came across this post from JeffFosterOfficial on Instagram and it really resonated with me.

What is enlightenment? It’s falling in love with this ordinariness. It’s seeing the extraordinary – God, the Divine, Consciousness – in the little things of each day. It’s finding yourself humbled and shocked and in awe at the vastness of things – on a bus ride to the grocery store, in the face of a cat, in the pang of sorrow you feel when a child on the other side of the world is hurting, and that world is yourself and there are no sides. 

It’s not about altered states and higher levels. That’s all ego.
It’s not even about losing the ego. That’s all ego too.
It’s about the delicious descent into not knowing. It’s about dying into the mystery of each day, each hour, each moment.
It’s making friends with all of your broken parts and there is a wholeness in that friendship.
It’s nothing like you’ve ever imagined.
It doesn’t make you special, or if it does, it makes you as special as a newt. 

Heidi here – a friend and I were having a discussion the other day about enlightenment and being in the 5D “world”.  We explored how many times there is this sense of a “better than” the individuals that are unaware or living strictly in the 3D literal world. We both agreed, none of us are better than the other. We are having our experiences intertwined with each other. If we truly are enlightened wouldn’t it mean that we are capable of existing, even thriving in all layers of awareness? 

I was sitting in quietness, connecting to what I call my inner column of light (that part of me that has always existed and will exist into the future).  I grounded to the earth and connected to the Universe, and made the awareness and intention to work on becoming steadily stronger. I’m questioning and exploring the idea that when I am out in public, that I need protection from the other energies, the “low” vibrations. I desire to navigate this experience connected to my Self, to all that is and realize I get to be in a flow. It’s not that my body won’t get tired, it does, but I desire to connect in a way that gives me the confidence to explore this vast space I live in. 

What are you aware of? What do you desire to connect with, within yourself? Are you willing to explore a bit of the enlightenment you already have and expand it even more?

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.