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Time is speeding up, can you sense it? The changes that we as humanity are going through are real. Our bodies are receiving so much light that we are forced and required to release the old ways, the old thinking, the emotions that held us hostage.

I got caught up in the busy-ness and didn’t realize it until I had to slow down. I’ve had company two different times this month which was a needed respite for me.

When I recognized the need to slow down, I noticed my body began to soften, I could breathe better. I didn’t realize I’d been taking such shallow breaths! The tension that had been building in my shoulders began to leave. Here’s the crazy thing, I was doing all the things I love to do! Providing energy healing and creating stained glass! What I was reminded of was that even when we are doing things we love, we can get caught up in the busy-ness of doing instead of being.

I’ve also recently started a different type of therapy to heal those aspects of me from childhood through adulthood. This is deep work, this will require me to slow down, to pause, to be present for me. I’m looking forward to acknowledging my experiences as mine, looking at them and loving them into healing. Coincidence in the timing of this? I do not believe so. I’m ready, the energy is ready, the collective is saying to everyone; now is the time. Now is the time to examine yourself, your beliefs, behaviors and actions.

Who are you? Who do you desire to be? What are the niggling’s that keep making their presence known and need the attention? What is a niggling? Oh, that aspect that will come up to the surface and just won’t leave until you do what it wants you to. It won’t quiet down, sometimes it gets obsessive. You know on some level you should just be able to let it go, but it won’t let you. Many times these niggling’s just need to have acknowledgement that they exist. That they are part of the experience.

I was talking with a client the other day about abundance. The idea is that we desire abundance, but many think of it only in the positives, as in abundance of money, health, friends, and so on. What if, you look at your life, not as positive/negative but what is the abundance that you have currently? Do you have abundance of judgement, negativity, failing health, debt, self-defeating thoughts? Whoa, right? Changes that view of abundance, doesn’t it? Gives one a broader idea of how they perceive their life.

This coming week, take time to pause, be present for you, breathe, no really, take in some deep breaths throughout your day, look around, remind yourself, this human experience is amazing, and while it can be difficult to navigate, you are doing it! You get to decide what abundance looks like to you, you get to make changes, you get to decide.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

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If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.