Reflection & Intention

Hand holding reflecting ball

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I’m on an energy high from using the entire week of Christmas for deep cleaning, purging, reassessing, moving furniture around and it feels amazing. I also moved things around at the office to prepare for the Final Friday Connection starting in January (check out below the link to sign up & pre-pay). My home and office space feels ready for what is to come.

I, myself, get to sit this Sunday morning and Be. I am going to write, draw, doodle, and listen to nature sounds. I don’t know about you but 2023 was a year that tested me in so many ways. I’ve grown, expanded and deepened my connection of who I see myself as. The little Heidi of age three, especially age four and most recently age eleven have been acknowledged, listened to and supported. I’ve integrated these aspects and continue to work with them to heal and empower those parts of my life that I felt less than. While I’ve had worse and more challenging years than 2023, I’m not going to miss this past year, grateful, yes, miss it? Nope.

I’ve put a lot of quotes in this newsletter with comments here and there. I trust there is at least one that will resonate with you, helping you to reflect on your 2023 and then determine what are your intentions for 2024?

How do you intend to start your day? How do you intend to handled stressful situations? How do you intend to communicate with others thereby strengthening your ability to handle confrontation or if anything, minimize the need for it? How do you intend to make the best of this bodacious human life you have?

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Begin your path to a more authentic life

If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.