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Have you ever thought of yourself as a rebel? Well, I want you to know that you are! I am calling you a rebel, and you may wonder why.

The meaning of a true rebel; a person who does not like rules or authority, and shows this by behaving differently from most people in society.

How often I have clients that tell me that they’ve never felt like they fit in, always feeling like the odd person out. If we all truly knew how many of us are feeling this way I believe we’d be amazed. I believe not fitting in brings it’s own magic. We have more a sense of doing things we desire to do, to rebel rather than constantly trying to fit in. We may consider ourselves misfits. Every time I see someone that “doesn’t fit in”, maybe it’s the clothing, hair or attitude that stands out I think to myself, I want more of what they have. That “rebel within” the empowerment, the ability to be oneself in a vanilla-type world.

I am celebrating seven years of being a full-time energy healer in September. When I first started, I trusted there were enough people (rebels) that would desire my services. I do have to be honest though, when I had my sign put out front of the office I was worried that someone or many would come and protest and say it was evil or not allowed. I was relieved that never happened. The fear that I had stepping out and claiming who and what I am was real. I was concerned about someone getting in my face and saying all kinds of hurtful things through their fear of the unknown. Not everyone likes a rebel. I admit, I’m a rebel and I work often to step further into my authenticity.

When you decide to choose other ways of taking care of your mental and physical health than the main-stream you are a rebel. You are living life on your terms. The medical community is still needed and appreciated, however, many are taking charge of their lives and not leaving it to someone else. I am grateful for your rebellion and curiosity!

When you choose to discern the information that is being presented through the news and social media, you are being a rebel. Rather than taking things as they are, you question, inquire, not quick to believe something just because “someone of authority” said so.

This is part of the evolution and awakening that is happening on a global scale. More and more individuals are stepping up, stating, think for yourself, what do you believe, what are your standards, what are your ethics, what is important to you? As we each explore these questions, we realize that everyone gets to do this. That we no longer have to all be alike, that we each can be individuals, with individual thinking and being respectful of others.

The first time I see a client, I always make an intention to let them know; I will say and share a lot of things, however, take what resonates and leave the rest. One of my purposes is to make sure that each of you think for yourself. This is so important.

This week, think of ways you’ve been a rebel in your life, when you took charge of what you were willing to do or not do. When you said no and created boundaries, when you decided to go against what the “norm” was or when you decided to speak up when you’d been so used to staying silent. Step into your light, your beautiful, bright shining multi-dimensional self! I’ll connect with you and together, we’ll change the world!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.