Providing Support to You

clouds in sky

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‘This isn’t how I planned for my life to look like’,
I whispered under my breath as I walked to my car.

‘Tell me about it’,
an eavesdropping cloud
replied to me from above.

I looked up and watched
the cloud billow between looking like a dove and an open hand.

The cloud continued:

‘I used to be a snowfield in Montana.
I used to be a dewdrop kiss on a lily.
I used to be a puddle in a parking lot.
I used to be a river in Mexico.
I used to be a glacier.
I used to be a waterfall mist in a jungle.

I used to be so many things.’

‘Doesn’t that make you sad?’, I asked the cloud.

‘It used to – but not anymore’, the cloud replied while wrapping herself around me like a scarf.

‘I don’t think either of us were created to stay the same form our entire life.’

‘I’m not sure I can let go of my old life’, I sighed.

‘Oh you simply must’, the cloud whispered in my ear.
‘Because once you release what you used to be
and embrace who you are meant to be now,
something amazing will happen’, the cloud said.

‘What’s that?’, I asked while looking at my hands that were beginning to billow and shapeshift.

‘You’ll start to float.’

And with that my feet lifted off the ground.

John Roedel ❤️

I came across the above writing recently and it so resonated with me. I am having this sense that I am in the midst of transformation and I believe on a collective space we all are. Have you noticed changes within yourself recently? The way you look at things, situations, people, yourself?

Have you noticed an underlying irritation and possibly even anger that is being brought to the surface? Those feelings, emotions, beliefs are needing to be released, transmuted, burned up, so that we have more light in our beings. Have you felt like you’ve got concrete attached to your feet? A feeling of heaviness? That’s the old stuff trying to hold on, the denseness of energy. I’ve been on a quest to move my body (again) and been walking around the block to get used to moving my body. There are days I feel so heavy that it’s difficult to move and I think, how did I get in this space? I am reminded that with each step I am releasing old crud. I keep taking a step as I know I am moving in the direction I am supposed to be.

I want to know, how can I be of service to you? How can I support you as you too go through the transformation? What are your needs? I’m serious here.

Some ideas, can I offer an email option, at a minimal cost, to send me questions that I can then reply to? Can I offer a video on my YouTube channel that would help clear energy or whatever it is you need? Would a live video on Facebook be something that you would want to participate in? Would a Zoom call help in knowing you aren’t alone? While I need income to pay my bills, the bigger picture is that we are in a transformational time and we are in this together. Everything costs so dang much, I had a friend recently comment about her and her husband going through a fast food drive through and spending $25. That’s what we used to spend in an actual sit down restaurant. We will get through this, we will figure out how to manage these challenges, how about, instead of feeling like we need to do it alone, we figure out ways to support one another?

Please consider replying to this email and sharing your ideas and insights. I’m open to considering them, and while I may not be able to implement everything, in the creating of ideas something will bubble up. The Universe is supporting each one of us and wants good things to come our way!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.