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Heidi’s Happiness

Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere,
doing something else, being someone else.
Isaac Asimov

If someone would have said to me five years ago that I would be living the life I was dreaming of I would have said they were lying.

I recently was talking with a friend and she asked me what made me take the leap of living my dream life?

It was around this time in 2016 that I was having a talk with Spirit and saying that I wanted to be able to live my purpose but was unwilling to do so without the assurance that I would be taken care of financially. What was interesting is that the previous year I was a part of a book club that we did an in-depth discovery of our relationship with money.

Spirit told me that I would be taken care of in all aspects, I just had to trust. I worked on any trust issues I had, I looked at areas of my life that needed to be released to allow the abundance that was coming. Was it easy? H-E-double hockey sticks no!  But I knew it would be worth it!

I also had to learn to allow to be helped. I had to learn to allow people to help me. I had to learn to ask for help. BIG learning lesson!

So, today…I can say to you, every step, every breath has been worth it. I am not guaranteed an easy path, no one is. What am I guaranteed? That I will never be alone. That I am part of a bigger essence of this human existence.

What can you acknowledge today about your life that you currently love? Step into that aspect of loving your life. Need to make changes? Acknowledge them, and start in the direction of truly loving your life. It’s so worth it!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.