new year fireworks

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WOWZA there is so much yummy information in today’s newsletter! I’m keeping this part short and sweet. There are group gatherings being created, information on PTSD and tools, monthly subscription options and as always quotes to ponder. I did include a writing that I came across that really resonated with me as we start 2024. Take time to read and honor who. you. are!

Donna Ashworth writing – 

Why do we start a new year, with promises to improve?
Who began this tradition of never-ending pressure?
I say, the end of a year, should be filled with congratulations, for all we survived. 
And I say a new year should start with promises to be kinder to ourselves, to understand better just how much we bear, as humans on this exhausting treadmill of life.

And if we are to promise more, let’s pledge to rest, before our bodies force us. 
Let’s pledge to stop, and drink in life as it happens.
Let’s pledge to strip away a layer of perfection to reveal the flawed and wondrous humanity we truly are inside.

Why start another year, gifted to us on this earth, with demands on our already over-strained humanity. 
When we could be learning to accept, that we were always supposed to be imperfect.
And that is where the beauty lives, actually.
And if we can only find that beauty, we would also find peace.

I wish you peace in 2024.
Everything else is all just a part of it.
Let it be so.

Donna Ashworth
My latest book ‘Wild Hope’

Calling All Veterans!

Grant Dorothy is a Vietnam Veteran who has had quite the human journey! He discovered holistic healing practices through the VA programs and eventually found his way to me. 

Grant Dorthoy

Grant’s been speaking at a variety of places for years now and does volunteer work with other veterans. Grant lives an active life, and knows it’s because of the choices he makes every day to live it to the fullest. HIs most recent adventure is creating a website for veterans that have PTSD and/or are challenged in living the life they want to be living. He shares his insight and personal story in candid and honest ways that I believe many will find helpful.

If you or someone you know is struggling, or you would like to learn tools and insight, I would encourage you to check out his website (click on the link) –

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Begin your path to a more authentic life

If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.