Woman in white shirt with hand over heart

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Before you read the article for this week, I first want to pause and take a moment to acknowledge the atrocities that are happening in this world, from wars and mass k*llngs to how this holiday was started and what happened afterward to the Native Americans. Please take a moment to drop into your heart and ask the Universe to connect you to the unlimited unconditional love that is always available. Bringing in peace and calm and trusting it will connect with others. May peace resonate in every BEing.


This is not your standard grateful writing. So sit back, get your coffee, tea or water and let’s explore!

I am thankful for the tough times in my life. The times that I felt so low I didn’t think it could get better. The times I felt so alone and unsupported. The times I created an emotional cage to feel safe. These were all experiences, explorations of this human life. I was in spaces that made me so uncomfortable that it forced me to make changes to my life, choices, ways of thinking and beliefs. I wonder if I would have made the necessary changes in my life if I hadn’t gotten myself so uncomfortable. I had to create new tools of coping as the ones I’d been using were outdated and over-used. Each time I heal those moments it’s like I uplevel in my game of life, I get new ways of viewing experiences, I learn to have more grace for myself and for others. I’ve learned emotional maturity because of these times.

I’m grateful for the disagreements that I’ve had and the relationships that I chose to have strong boundaries. The relationships didn’t last, but that’s okay, I honored and loved myself first and what better way to be grateful?

I’m grateful that I’ve not stayed in the tough times too long. Sometimes I thought they were too long but hindsight sure does clear things up and helped me see it was in perfect timing that I figured things out.
I’m grateful for the feelings of grief and sadness. It reminds me that I get to have the full spectrum of this human life and that not only have I felt grief and sadness but I’ve also felt joy and happiness!

I’m grateful for the wonderful times, the laughter times, the ones that bring a smile to my face and a warmth in my heart. The laughter that I share with Robert is at times side splitting funny. The funny moments that I’ve shared with my daughter in our adventures of hanging out with each other.

I’m grateful for the risk taking that I’ve done. Sometimes I’ve leaped before looking and other times planned it all out and then took the risk. Risk is subjective. One risk for one person can be construed as crazy to another. It’s all relative. I’ve learned so much about myself during these times!

I’m grateful that I’ve realized that I get to choose how I see my life. I get to decide how I feel, react, not-react, get involved or step away. I get to have boundaries.

I’m grateful for the people in my life, the new people that I’ve met this year and the ones I have yet to meet on this journey called life.

Some simpler things that I’m grateful for. Water, hot and cold. Heat in the winter and AC in the summer. Birds, they remind me of trust. Trust that when they spread their wings they fly – while I don’t have wings it’s a reminder that when I take the step to get out of my comfort zone, I can trust I will be supported beyond what I can see. A feeling of safety to be who I am, to offer my gifts, share my insight of what is beyond this earthly experience. This is an amazing time to be alive!

I hope you are able to take time this week to ponder your unique gratitude’s and what you are thankful for.

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.