Outline o person with energy flowing out

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Notice what’s bothering you in this moment and say Thank You. Thank you for revealing a part of me that needs my compassion, curiosity, courage and love. – Gabby Bernstein

Sitting at this desk of mine, watching the birds come and go at the feeder as the sun slowly sets, trying to figure out what to write. I’m making it too difficult; I’m creating a problem when there really shouldn’t be one. Do you ever have that? Your mind goes into “create a story” mode instead of flow mode?

What is “create a story” mode? Oh, you know, the aspect that creates a story, such as, “you’ve waited until Saturday evening to write the newsletter, you should’ve known better and started this earlier in the week. No wonder you feel pressure, you left it until the last moment. People are relying on you and you better come through!” Oh, that silly aspect. I get to remind it; you forget who you are dealing with! I have this simple solution, I remind myself, go with the flow, find the energy and flow with it. Acknowledge the resistance, thank it for showing up and then allow the energy flow. Every. Single. Time. I get myself out of the stuck space and in the flow space.

When I am standing in line at the store, I like to imagine being in the flow and that everything is working out exactly as it needs to be.  I tell myself, I did get in the lane that is working for me. I have found by having this attitude I don’t stand in angst that I chose the wrong check out lane, or that the other line is going faster. If there is something that slows down the lane I’m in, I ask internally, what is it that I need to tend to? Do I need to connect with my breath? Do I need more compassion?  Am I being present? Am I taking time to actually see the clerk? What type of energy am I bringing to this experience?

As we enter this last month of 2023. How do you want it to look? What kinds of experiences do you want? I know how you don’t want it to look, frazzled, worried, heavy, frustrated and so on. We can always come up with things we don’t want, I’m asking you, what do you want? The Universe is waiting for your answer.

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.