Each one of us has a varying degree of peace within ourselves. To some, peace can be a foreign feeling and quite unsettling and others it is the compass of their life.
This time of year, with all the hustling, go to this, attend that, purchase this, wrap that, fix food and gather together many forget of this inner peace. They put it on a shelf to hopefully be picked up later.
I’m reminding you, peace is not something outside of you, for some it’s the quiet voice that reminds them to breath through the stress. Some are reminded immediately that they are being pulled out of their balance of peace and they readjust.
Regardless of where you are on the spectrum of being comfortable with peace, take a moment, close your eyes, tune into your heart and breathe, feel into the peace that is there.
I am infusing peace-filled energy into this newsletter to radiate from my heart center to yours. May you feel the deep love and deep peace that reminds us we are all connected!