Image of beautiful snowfall colored in an purple blue to pink ombre.

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When I looked at the snow in the early morning I saw so much light filled glitter. If you know me at all you know I love glitter and my heart felt so full with all the sparkles in the snow. I made a decision a few years ago to embrace winter and to find the positives of it. From my late 20’s into my 50’s every year I would go through a deep depression in January and February. So lethargic, depressed and sometimes not getting out of bed as it was too difficult to try and make it through the day. I don’t recall what exactly it was that made me change my view, maybe taking Vitamin D in a larger dose and just accepting that it is a season just like all the rest.

We’ve had some mornings recently the hoar frost has been amazing and a sight to see. I was reminded that I can’t see this beauty any other time of the year. I’ve also noticed how quiet it gets when it snows. It’s as if everyone is slowing down and becoming quiet. It is often in the silence that we can hear the most. I’ve also found myself in much more gratitude. Gratitude for the warm of the clothing I wear, the hot water when showering or taking a bath to warm my bones, thankful for the warmth of the heater in my car and also for when the sun does shine how grateful I am that it does.

I’ve had extra time lately, quite a bit actually. I opened my calendar so I can see up to twelve people in a week. Currently my calendar has stayed at six sessions a week. My inner fire is desiring to be more, more in service, reaching more people, sharing my light, my insight and wisdom more. I’m wondering, is there something additional I’m to be doing than what I currently am? I asked Spirit the other day to help me figure out if there is.

I was thinking about the client that needed some insight on how to organize her office and I was able to give her quite a few different ideas and awareness of energy. I had a client that wanted to be able to create new businesses that more aligned with her, and I helped her become aware of the current blocks she has that she gets to work on to make room for these new endeavors. The client that was able to leave the session with no pain and that it gave them hope. Are there more people I can be connecting with? Do you know of others that could benefit what I offer?

I believe there is a change occurring not only within me but also in the collective. All the upheaval, the changes in weather, the breakdown of old ways of thinking and doing and sometimes the tragedies of life experiences and of course the deaths. In all of this there is a charge, an excitement so to speak. I feel I am as ready as possible for these changes. I am open, calm, peace-filled and trust. My faith that all is well regardless of whether I can see it, is as prevalent today as it has ever been.

Here’s a quote I came across the other day.

When someone suggests something to you that conflicts with your conditioning, rather than responding with, “That’s ridiculous; we all know that’s impossible,” say, I’ve never considered that before. I’ll think about it.” Open yourself up to the spiritual ideas of all people, and listen with an open mind to crazy schemes and ideas that at first seem to be outrageous.

Understand that what you think about expands (“As a man thinketh, so is he”). If your thoughts are filled with doubt and you have a closed mind, you will of necessity act upon those closed-minded doubts, and you’ll see evidence of your thinking virtually everywhere you are. On the other hand, should you decide (make no mistake about this, it is a choice) to have a mind that’s open to everything, then you’ll act upon that inner energy, and you’ll be the creator as well as the recipient of miracles wherever you are.

Here’s to a week of awareness, an open-mind and miracles!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.