Image of towering pine trees covered in snow looking up to a starry sky.

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Technically speaking, a solstice is a moment, not an entire day. Since Earth is in motion, the exact positioning considered a solstice only happens for a moment. However, the word is most commonly used to refer to the day on which this happens.

Going into Winter, I hear many people complaining about the snow and cold. Complaining is a low vibration and keeps one in a negative mindset. I used to go into a deep sadness every January and February and struggle greatly. The lack of sun plays a major part for me. One of the decisions I made a few years ago is to allow myself to be okay with winter. Instead of complaining or being in resistance, I decided to embrace. I see Winter in a whole different way now. I choose to see the beauty in it, the cold and snow providing an opportunity to stay inside and create or just veg.

Once I made the decision to not be in resistance to weather, regardless of the season, I found myself learning to be in the flow more. I pay attention to nature much more. I watch and converse with the trees. They teach us so much. The birds continue to trust the ebb and flow of life, that food and shelter are provided as needed. What is happening underground is an amazing cacophony of growth and movement! If we can take a moment to remind ourselves that Winter can be an opportunity to prepare, to slow down, to reassess we can view it as amazing, beautiful, and comforting.

Darkness is an opportunity to feel safe and calm in the unknown. I always like to imagine myself blanketed with black velvet. I love the texture of velvet and then imagine it as embracing me all over, divine! Darkness is on the spectrum of light, the less light the more darkness. It does not need to be scary or fearful when we remind ourselves of this. Some people are scared of going within themselves, to look inside. This reminds me of a time, shortly after my divorce, when I was in my early 30’s. It felt like there was nothing inside of me, an emptiness, no soul, no energy, nothing. I was SCARED to look inside because what I felt was basically, nothing. What I realize now, I was the pupa (chrysalis) in the transformation. I had to do the inner work, I got to go inside and search around, learn that what I had inside wasn’t scary, that really what I needed was more love and light given to myself from myself.

So, on this day of Winter Solstice, may you have a moment of clarity, insight, and calmness come over you. KNOW within your BEing you are transforming into all that you desire!

A quote from The Electrical Life of Louise Wain movie – “It is your responsibility to capture the beauty of this world, look and share with as many as you can. You are a prism through which that beam of light reflects.”

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.