Why Did I Participate in the Women’s March?

Image of people marching in a women's march holding signs.

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I was lying in bed Saturday morning the 21st of January thinking about whether I wanted to get up and go to the Women’s March. Yes, I had the CHOICE to go or not. The self-talk was telling me that I would end up walking alone, that no one would talk to me, that there would be a bunch of negativity and in your face type of energy. I ALMOST bought into it. Then, there was something (Spirit?) that said, get up, you are going.

So, got up, got moving, checked the temp and layered the clothing. Texted a friend that I knew was going to let her know I hoped to see her there.

I drove to the wrong location first. I didn’t see any cars or people and was quite disappointed. Then, reading the information (who reads things first?) I realized my error and headed to the correct location.

I was blown away with the number of women AND men that were there and more came as we waited for the event to start. What I found super cool were older women, women in their 70s and 80s there, with their pink pussycat hats on, carrying signs. Women that looked very conservative were there, women with brightly colored hair, women that are professionals, women of all ages. Then, let’s not forget about the men. The men that support women, that encourage women to have their voice, men that are solid in who they are and encourage others to be who they are.

It was peaceful in the sense that people abided by walking on the sidewalk, moving off the streets when guided to do so. The speakers spoke their truth.

The energy vibration that was shared is the cumulative female energy that is changing the ways of the world. For so long the male energy vibration has been dominate. The awakening that is happening is causing the female energy to be brought to the light.

While I was standing at the Federal Building located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, I could feel the energy consciousness begin to shift. How did I know this? I could feel it in my entire being, my soul on a cellular level and the Universal level that the shift in energy is occurring. The tears were coming and my heart was expanding. It was such a feeling of love and all is well, all is as it needs to be.

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There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.