Where is Your Energy Gauge at?

Drawing of a colorful mandala.

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Isn’t it nice we have gas gauges in our cars? It lets us know when we are getting low and when we need to refill. Unfortunately we don’t have the same kind of reminder for ourselves. We need to trust the signs we get from our body when it needs to refuel. Many of us have ignored those signs over and over to the extent we don’t even realize when we are almost out of energy.

I recently had that happen to me. I had received Reiki on Sunday, January 7th prior to my father’s funeral. Since that time I’ve been busy with clients and other things going on. I’ve been taking time for myself, taking naps when I need to, nurturing myself, eating good, so I thought I was doing pretty well.

This past Wednesday I went to my Reiki provider and received Reiki. Oh. My. Gosh. I was almost completely empty! I had an hour session and I felt like a new person! I didn’t even realize that I was needing a session as bad as I was. For those that drink alcohol, when you’ve had a few, and you drive home thinking, I’m good and the next morning you wake up and think, whoa, what was I thinking?

I was amazed of how much better I felt and could tell those things that had been irritating me prior to the session were mere blips on my radar, if even that! I now know that I am committed to receive Reiki every three weeks regardless of what is going on. It only makes sense with what it is I do for a living and all the energy I am moving and holding space for others.

There are those that run their energy gauge on near empty or empty. You may recognize yourself or others. They are the ones that are stressed out the majority of time. They are the ones that will have melt downs because the soft white bread was put in a plastic bag and destroyed the bread (I did this at one time in my life) or the ones that are yelling at other drivers. The person that is complaining about the sun shining because it’s too bright for their eyes. I’ve seen it where their face looks strained and they look like they are trying to keep it together.

Has it been awhile since you received Reiki? If you’ve never received Reiki before, please consider scheduling a session. For those that receive on a regular basis, you totally understand the importance of paying attention to your own energy gauge. Just like fuel gauges, our mileage is different for each of us.

Check in with yourself. Listen to your body. What is it communicating to you? Do you need to take a mental health day and just lay low? Are you recovering from the flu that has been going around? Could you use a booster to keep yourself going on the healthy train? What things can you do for yourself to ensure your energy gauge stays on the over half full to full?

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If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.