What is Your Reality?

Drawing of a delicate pink and yellow mandala.

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Here’s a cool exercise taken from my daily YOU are a BADASS calendar.

Right now, look around wherever you are and count the number of things you see that are red. Take about a minute and count them all.

Now stop, look back at this page without taking your eyes off of it, and try to think of everything around you that’s yellow. There’s probably a ton of yellow, but you didn’t see it because you were looking for red.

What you choose to focus on becomes your reality.

Pretty awesome isn’t it? Where are you at in your life right now? Are the day to day challenges getting you down? Are you focused with a “lack of” mentality, lack of time, lack of money, lack of resources? Imagine doing the above exercise and look where things are in abundance? What if you see things in a different way? What if you are open to feeling different about your life right now? This is the shift that you are looking for.  Is it easy? It can be, however, to begin with it will feel foreign and odd. Allow the odd feelings to stay so that they become welcomed and you find yourself in a space of all that you desire.

Oh, I can here you now saying, Heidi, you make it sound so simple and easy. I struggle so bad in these areas and can’t seem to get myself to think any different. Well, I’m not asking you to run a marathon today, take a couple of baby steps, then a few more the next day, you get the gist. I didn’t get to the place I am today by doing leaps and bounds, they were small steps, they were sitting in the uncomfortable place of peace and calm.

So, throughout the coming days, be aware, what is your focus, what is YOUR reality. Is it where you want to be? If not, remind yourself – focus on what it is you WANT and allow yourself to receive it!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.