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Have you noticed an unsettling going on within yourself? An uncomfortableness? Maybe you are eating more than normal, noticing you have little patience, quick to become angry, or anxiety has become so much a part of your every day life. Maybe the unsettling is a bit more subtle, you find yourself judging the people around you, the driver that seems to have cut you off, the slow person in the check out, the co-worker that just won’t stop talking, or maybe you find yourself talking about nothing and everything. Maybe sleep has been hard to come by, or that’s all you want to do is sleep to avoid.

Now, take a step back, and observe. Isn’t this what the world is going through right now? Little patience, anger, angst, judgement and the non-stop chatter of social media. The fear that is being felt throughout, how are we each affected with the potential of the unknown?

Are you recognizing that we are all connected? That what we feel others feel also? Maybe not exactly the same, however, it is similar.

The change you want to see “out there” starts within you. It’s time to stop turning a blind eye from how you and we all contribute to the darkness we see out there.

What tools are you using to ensure you don’t stay in the heaviness, the darkness that pervades our thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories? As we all are aware, the light of day is getting shorter, and it’s telling us it’s time to go inward, to nurture ourselves, to take time to look within as to what needs mending, healing, tenderness.

It’s time to start planning on how you plan to experience this season of winter. We talk about wanting to be in control and this is your opportunity to make a difference in your life, to really experience a transformational time during this internal exploration opportunity.

I offer greatly reduced rates for monthly sessions. Whether it be a 45 or 90 minute session, you deserve to have a better experience this winter. To feel lighter, to have a more positive outlook, to learn more about yourself and how you navigate this human experience!

Check out the monthly subscription for 45 minutes here or the 90 minutes here. Available in office or phone/zoom!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.