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I attended a Unicorn Writing (defined as something that is highly desirable but difficult to find or obtain) Retreat located at Lakeside Labs, Okoboji, Iowa from Friday the 6th to Sunday the 8th. These are some of my take aways from the retreat.

  • Be curious to let go
    • If I were to let go, how would that feel? How much do I want to let go? Why is it important to hold onto? I am curious to explore this.
      • This can be associated with pretty much anything that you hold onto. Be curious, explore, question.
  • How will I feel when I get there
    • Instead of getting caught up in the place I am at, and creating blockages from change and moving forward, what is the feeling I desire to have “when I get there”. What if I am already there and I haven’t let go of where I was to be able to be where I am?
  • Fear hi-jacks you out of the moment
    • Head takes you out of your heart
    • In the NOW brings you centered and powerful
    • I desire to be in my heart-center more than my head
  • Yet
    • When I say “I don’t do discipline well” – add “yet” at the end of the sentence. What a great reminder that sentences/statements don’t have to be finite. Those things that you may be seeking or looking to feel or experience adding “yet” helps expand your knowing of expansion and reduce the self-limit and definitive thinking.

I had so many ah-ha moments and deep connection to myself bubble up during this time. There was a total of twelve attending including the facilitator-Lean Jacobsen. Lean Jacobsen has recently written a book titled “Refine Your Magic: A Guided Practice”. Check out Lean’s website to learn more about her and how to purchase the book – https://www.leanelice.com/book.

One take away for me is creating a daily ritual. Prior to this retreat, when I would journal or take time to meditate/quiet time I simply sat down and started in. There is nothing wrong with doing it that way however, I think I’m ready to take this time up a couple of levels.

I want to share with you the steps I am doing to get you thinking in terms of how do you connect with yourself, your thoughts, behaviors, reflection time, your heart center and to the Universe?

I set a notification on my phone to set up the writing space the night before. It helps remind me that I am going to take time in the morning for me before getting caught up in the to-do. In the morning after washing face/brushing teeth I light incense/candle. I get coffee, grab my journal and pen and get comfortable. Closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath, and exhaling out, centering myself. Opening the journal, I write the date and a number based on a scale of 1-10. I welcome in my spirit team, inviting non-physical teachers, guides, mentors and lower any resistance I may be feeling. I open myself to receive insight, clarity, or anything else that comes through. I write for 15 minutes or so.  In the Refine Your Magic book there are writing prompts to get things started. At the end of my writing, I take a moment to write out my gratitude’s, and sign off Blessings, Heidi. I’m finding my days going better, my attitude throughout the day being consistent and not so affected by what is happening outside of myself.

One of the attendees talked about playing and to play even more. What a concept right? We’re adults now, do adults play anymore, isn’t that for children? Well silly goose, I’m here to tell you, the outlook and the way you see life will change when you look at things as play. I get to play with the newsletter that I write each week, I get to play when I go grocery shopping, play with my to-do list. That sounds and feels so much better than work on the newsletter, work on the to-do list, go to work. Sometimes play can be whimsical and other times play is serious but it is play. It is light, less density. Life is not meant to be so serious!!!

One BIG take away is the intention of living from our heart center and recognizing life has magical moments, and many times we don’t acknowledge them! I’ve had so many magical moments this past week that I’ve written about many of them in my journal and while I’m writing this to you, I’m realizing that I’ve had so many more!

What can you do for yourself today to honor your heart center, loving yourself first then sharing out with the world? Take moments to acknowledge the magic that is within and around you.

Gratitude to each and every one reading this! YOU help this world be a better place! 

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.