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For over nine years, I have chosen a word for the year. It is and has been a fun way to set an intention of awareness. I became aware way back in 2013 of word-of-the-year via a book club. Some of the words I have had were; gratitude, self-love, experience, miracle, receive and explore.

The year I self-love was my word it took on a whole new meaning to me and transformed the way I thought of self-love. Explore was my word for 2022, it was a pretty easy one. I did find myself trying to explore more and to seek out things that helped me see and experience things more.

I have used a variety of ways to determine what my word is. Lately I’ve just organically started to pay attention starting in November and December to see what word resonates with me. I’ve also used a computer-generating word program and also a listing of words to choose from.

Recently I had a client ask me to see what word I would choose for her for 2023. I went through the words and eliminated the ones that did not seem to be in alignment for her and where she is at in her journey. She had already chosen a few words and was narrowing it down to one. This was a fun way for her to see how I saw her and to also check in with herself. On some level she knew intuitively what her word was for 2023 she just wanted to play around a bit.

This same client actually has a ring made with the word and wears it through the year. She uses a person from Etsy to have the ring made. I thought that was a brilliant idea!!

So, my word for 2023? Discipline. I was talking on the phone with my daughter and I don’t even recall what the subject was but when I said the word discipline, a knowing came over me that this was my word for 2023.

Discipline is a strong one for me and a little scary. In my mind, I’ve thought of discipline as being restrictive and contained. That sounds SUPER uncomfortable to me. So, what better way to break that belief system and have it be my word for 2023! I think it’s going to be an amazing year with much growth and deeper understanding of who I am.

If you want to choose a word, here is a listing to help you.

Do you have any traditions you do for the coming year? Please share, I would love to learn what they are!

More To Explore

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.