Picture of a watercolor painting of white daisies on a blue background.

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I didn’t realize how much I needed to release until I started binge watching This Is Us during the blizzard. This Is Us is about a family and relationships. It is complex and yet so simple. It’s not like I wasn’t warned that this would be emotional to watch. I’d seen things posted online and was intrigued.

Each time I cry, I release an emotion, a feeling, that I get to look at and release if I so choose. I don’t need to hold onto as much as I have been. With the tears, and sometimes the sobbing, I am releasing energy faster and quicker. I am creating space for what I want more of in my life. I can tell I am moving myself into a vibration, into a space that will allow all that I desire and more.

Some people believe that crying is weak, that there is something wrong if they cry. This is a belief, and as in all beliefs they can be changed. I recently had a client that cried a couple of times during her session. I see this as a positive. She shared that she hadn’t cried in a very long time. She was a little upset with crying and I assured her that it was healthy, and there were things that she no longer needed to carry within her. I reminded her that by releasing tears of emotion it allowed her to make more space of what she truly wanted.

This weekend I have cried tears of grief, of the loss of my father, of my mother who has been gone for ten years now. I have cried tears for the little girl I was that had a bit more fat than others. For the little girl that hated herself so much in first grade. Tears for the thirty year old that was so very scared of the future and yet pushed on and trusted the journey. I cried tears for what could have been and what has been. They have all been healthy, releasing, cleansing tears.

I have also cried tears of joy and being oh so grateful for this life I am now living. Those tears that are happy tears. You see, they are just emotions bubbling up from deep within. It has taken me time and allowing to get to the point to acknowledge and honor the feelings that I have. I no longer stuff them back down within me. When I have feelings that bubble up, I stop and take a moment, and if tears come up, I let them.

I’ve learned that by releasing emotions it allows me to be balanced, that I don’t bottle up my feelings and become overwhelmed with them. That I don’t cry, yell or become angry at inappropriate things or situations.

Do you need to release some emotion? Crying is one way to release. Need a way to get you into the space of releasing? I highly suggest This Is Us (I’m watching it on Hulu) or any type of movie that encourages you to get lost in emotions. To touch the parts of you that bubble up and desire to be looked at and released. By releasing, you get to put in its place, light, love, joy, happiness, desire, or whatever it is you want in your life!

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One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.