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I turned onto the two-lane street that was full cars and I was confused. It was shortly after 8:20am and it didn’t make sense why the traffic congestion. As we S L O W L Y moved along, then moved to one lane I came upon the reason. There had been an accident where one car rear ended the other. There was serious damage to both of the vehicles but didn’t appear to have anyone that was hurt. The police were there talking with the drivers.

Upon seeing this my first thought was, a big sign from the Universe to slow down and pay attention, was it for the driver, for me, for others? Probably all of us. Have you ever had something stop you in your tracks but then dismiss it and continue on in your day-to-day actions?

For the last couple of weeks the energies have been intense. Have you noticed? A bit of prickliness from others and yourself? Lots of people on edge and some being aggressive. I’ve had some amazing (and sometimes painful) energies move through my body. At one point, for about an hour my legs were zinging with what felt like lightening bolts, painful, quick, zaps. They felt like energy, not something that was within my body but more part of it. Some of my clients have had some very interesting movements during time on the table. A quick zing through the right leg, a sensation of sitting up but yet knew the body was horizontal, or becoming one with all to the extent of losing track of the actual body.

If you are noticing this in your world, it’s time to stop, step back and become aware. I found myself this morning reading an article from a daily news email and as I was reading it, asked myself, why is this important? It wasn’t, and so I moved on. Being aware of what we are consuming. The article wasn’t negative or anything, it was just information I didn’t need.

For those that are sensitive to the moon energy, we have a super full moon on August 1st. For those that think they aren’t affected by the moon, just be aware of the subtle things going on in your life. You may be more impacted than you realize.

Everything is shifting, your thoughts, beliefs, friends, relationships. You may feel that you are on quicksand and sinking. You are actually very safe. Work with the energies, instead of having a victim mindset, i.e. why does everything seem so difficult, it feels like everything is against me. The Universe conspires for you. If you are uncomfortable, what is the resistance? Hold one of your hands in a super tight fist, count to fifteen as you hold as tight as you can. Then just slightly let go. Did you feel the change? Did you feel the flow? No longer constricting and allowing. That’s how it is with finding the flow and working with energies. Now open your hand even further, ahhh, notice that, your body is relaxing also!

We as a collective are picking up momentum of this change, the sun is sending light codes out (aka flares) and we are all becoming more light filled. While you don’t have to do anything, I find it helpful to be aware and educate myself as much as possible, primarily so that I can let go of my own resistance.
A client shared with me this YouTube video and I found it a very helpful explanation of 5D and what is happening in this world.

Check in with yourself frequently, am I in alignment for myself, am I at peace, am I able to feel a balance that works for me, am I working with the flow or in resistance? If I am resistance, how does this serve me? If I am in the flow, what does this feel like?

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Begin your path to a more authentic life

If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.