Checking in, how are you doing? No, really, take a moment, don’t just respond, good. Take inventory, notice your shoulders, are they scrunched up holding stress? How about your digestive system, the stomach, acid reflux, lower intestines? How’s the mental health going? Feel like you’re on a hamster’s wheel but someone keeps whipping the wheel faster and faster and you have to keep up?
I’m here to share with you, you get to choose. Step off the wheel. Stop.
Here’s a little exercise to check in on your body. Take one of your hands and create a fist. Now, tighten the fist, notice how that feels. Next, tighten it even more and now hold it. Hold the fist as tight as you can, keep holding, now tighten even more. Once you’ve got it as tight as you can possibly hold it, now count to 15, is it getting difficult to maintain? Now, just barely lessen the grip. Notice the change in your body? Notice how things relaxed just a little bit? Open your hand a bit more, notice the flow of blood and the subtle energy running throughout your body? Take in a deep breath and exhale out. I bet you didn’t even realize you’d been holding your breath.
How often each of us hold onto stress, tightening our body, breathing shallow, holding our trauma, worries, anger, frustration within our bodies. Then, not only do we hold it, but we then carry it each day and this can be our “normal” because we never stop to think, do I want to live this way? Is this the way that I want to navigate my day-to-day life?
I caught myself for the last couple of weeks getting caught up in the collective fast paced energy, so much chaos going on. Even if you don’t watch or pay attention to anything political you are part of the collective and you are feeling it on some level. Maybe you’re more irritated, snapping at people, or maybe you have less patience. How’s your eating been? Are you using alcohol, drugs, weed, sex, shopping or doom scrolling, as a tool to numb yourself? Nothing wrong with these tools if you desire to use them. Or maybe they are the only ones you are aware of. As I realized I was caught up in the chaos, I decided to take some days to slow down. I have a to-do list but I am choosing to be present for myself, being aware of what is the calmness and peace that is my sweet spot. The place I like to primarily be in and I am setting the intention to become super familiar with this space and navigate from it.
I am no good to anyone if I am feeling chaotic, untethered, and feeling all the frustration energy of everyone around me. I desire to come from a place of peace and calm. I make better decisions, come from a place of choosing what and who I interact with.
Check in with yourself often. You are learning new ways to navigate this ever-changing atmosphere. Remember, choose what works for you, and if you want to explore updating or creating new tools, schedule a session. Help yourself remember or know what it feels like to become completely calm.