Shadow of a person walking away in white dress with black heels.

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During a sunny day, isn’t it interesting how your shadow will show up? Sometimes behind, to the side or in front of you depending on where the light is coming from? In the spiritual sense your shadow is always with you, regardless of light.

I vaguely remember many years ago someone in the spiritual community talking with me about doing shadow work. I wondered what in the world they were talking about. As I explored it further, I found I had all kinds of preconceived ideas of what my shadow was all about. It felt like all those emotions, thoughts, beliefs, actions, behaviors that I was ashamed of, guilt ridden, angry, feelings of rage, grief and so much more was hidden away. I had to figure out how to not have those areas creep out when I least expected them to. For while I thought they were hidden, even buried, they would show up anyway.

What I imagined was in the deep dark recesses of the basement of me, was my shadow. It was so far in the dark I was frightened, scared really. I started out bringing a flashlight to shine in the corner. Man, it took a lot out of me to shine it. I was scared it would overtake me, that I would be pulled down into the darkness and never come back out. Little by little, I started, first, when I shined the light into the corner, I saw a being that was in a fetal position, frightened itself for what was happening to it. The light was so bright for it, even though it was a small flashlight. I found myself wanting to sit with my shadow and let it know we were going to be okay.

I started to work through the feelings of shame, guilt, sadness, and as we (my shadow and I) peeled away the darkness, there were other layers to look at. Each time I went to the basement of me, I felt more confident, I felt more balanced. I also found many other layers of rejection, of how I looked, how my body compared to others, and the idea that I was dumb.

It’s been awhile since I’ve visited the basement of myself. I’d done so much work and it wasn’t near as dark or scary anymore. What I recently realized is there is a shadow part of me that needs attention. I am in the discovery stages of what all there is.

As most of you know, discipline is my word for 2023 and I’m bumping up against it. I’m finding myself rejecting even the simplest “discipline”, an example is making my bed daily. Robert and I had an interesting conversation regarding this. There is an aspect of me that I get to explore more of. I get to deep dive and become more aware of what is coming up and the why.

Shadow work looks like:

  • Accepting that the unknown is where you grow the most.
  • Finding your breath when your blood boils.
  • Being misunderstood and becoming okay with it.
  • Revisiting your “why” over and over again.
  • Learning to be patient with your progress.
  • Questioning yourself until you learn to trust yourself.
  • Giving yourself permission to feel free
  • Finding your light and bringing it to the world.

Have you done shadow work? Do you need to start? How much of what you thought was stored away comes out in your day-to-day life? Are you aware? Is it time to start exploring or re-exploring?

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.