Rubber Band Theory

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Heidi’s Happiness

Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere,
doing something else, being someone else.
Isaac Asimov

As I write this, I am feeling the effects of the Holistic Health and Spiritual Fair I attended on Saturday, April 29, 2017. To help you understand what I mean, let me explain.

The energy that was at the Fair was high vibrating and huge. Many people felt light headed, sometimes a little sick to their stomach, maybe even a headache and I can pretty much guarantee everyone was ready for a nap when they left. This energy was so positive and uplifting and euphoric inducing that everyone was simply happy! I set an intention to up-shift my vibration on Saturday and thus I am feeling it today.

Why would I want to up-shift my energy? I am preparing myself to connect with more people, to share healing energy and my knowledge on a larger scale. I want to be at a place (vibration) that I can meet all of the abundance that is coming to me.

During the up-shift there is a feeling of being “off”. I feel at times nervous, scared, unsure and other times confident and at peace. It’s a very interesting place to be. This is how I know I’m shifting my energy vibration. Instead of fighting it, I’m leaning into it and feeling the feels.

This is where my rubber band theory comes into play. You see, the energy up-shift is the rubber band, and if I were to choose to fight against the up-shift I would pull away, causing the “rubber band” to tighten and stretch, producing discomfort and possibly pain. When I lean into the “rubber band”, the energy shift it is calming, peaceful and positive. It’s a delicate dance for me.

Where are you at in being aware of your own energy? Do you feel uncomfortable at times and not sure what is going on? Lean into that feeling rather than fighting against it. You’ll be amazed how much smoother things go and before you know it, you’ll feel a bit better. You may just be surprised that your attitude will be more positive, your body will feel a bit better and your outlook on life will shift into the place you really want to be at. Want to dig a bit deeper into this area? Let’s connect soon and explore!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.