The solo retreat I went on from Thursday, June 27th to Monday, July 1st was one of quiet, recharge, connect to nature and calming. I will be writing about my retreat and the subsequent bed bugs adventure in the coming weeks.
The theme I ended up having was Radiate Love. I take sidewalk chalk with me and draw or create a theme the first day or so and that is what bubbled up.
One of the reasons I take these solo retreats is to step away and get perspective. The quietness allows me to hear, sense and feel what I am to focus on.
The intensity of energy happening throughout the collective is getting, well, intense. I desire to not get caught up in the intense feelings, fears, worries, and all out uncomfortableness of the unknown. Have you been feeling it? If you haven’t recognized your behaviors of being short with someone, quick to get irritated or even angry, snapping at loved ones, not having near the patience you used to have or would like to have.
We don’t have to be at the mercy of all of this. You get to decide each morning and throughout the day how you want to navigate your feelings and emotions. If needed, set an alarm or appointment on your calendar to check in for yourself. When the reminder goes off, take a moment to check in, how are you feeling, what are your thoughts, do you need to connect to your breath and recenter?
For the last four days or so, I’ve been, what I call, in agitated energy. Agitated eating, agitated reaction, agitated at people, and so on. Instead of fighting it, I am consistently recentering, connecting into my breath and heart center. I desire to radiate love, first to myself and then outward. I desire to live in an expansive, light filled space. While I can’t stop the agitation, the intense energy that is happening in the collective, I can make a change in myself.
This is a work in progress and there are times I simply surrender as it can be exhausting. Surrender, does not mean that I let whatever take over me. Surrender to me means, okay, I cease the resistance, but I do not submit, I simply flow and let whatever trying to get to me not have any power. By removing the belief of the power it has, reminds me of the powerful BEing I am, and that I get to choose how I navigate this human journey.
Do you need to surrender to something? Are you ready to take back your power? Are you ready to locate that peace and calm that is in you to bubble up and stabilize? Not sure how to do this? Well silly, come on in, let’s talk, get you on the table, recenter and re-energize your energy and BEing!