It’s a quote(s) type of newsletter today! I was able to go to the cities to visit Robert for Thanksgiving and there just hasn’t been an opportunity to sit and write. I receive a fair amount of feedback of how much this newsletter resonates so I don’t want to skip a Sunday!
Your assignment, should you decide to take it on, is to see which quotes resonate with you, how you can carry them with you throughout the week and incorporate what you learn into your day-to-day life!
If every single person who has liked you in your lifetime, were to light up on a map, it would create the most glitteringly beautiful network you could imagine. Throw in the strangers you’ve been kind to, the people you’ve made laugh, or inspired along the way and that star-bright network of you would be an impressive sight to behold. You’re so much more than you think you are. You have done so much more than you realize. You’re trailing a bright pathway that you don’t even know about. What a thing. What a thing indeed.
Donna Ashworth
It’s not easy to keep strong boundaries, especially when there are so many outside forces (friends, family & society) trying to get you to be miserable and full of angst. The folly of the “old fashioned” Christmas that really truly never existed except in our minds can feel heavy during the holidays. Be kind to yourself. You may be feeling and going through grief as you honor and love yourself first. Grief that you had to create the boundary to begin with. Be gentle as you allow yourself to be at peace.