woman sitting at the edge of a lake

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One of the reasons I started going on solo retreats is that it allows me to step away from the distractions in my home and the energy and sounds of the city. When I am home, I easily get distracted, and my mind is jumping from one “to do” thing after another. Oh, I do meditate and have quiet time and creation time but there is something about being immersed in nature and calming my nervous system.

During this solo trip I wanted to explore some blockages that I’ve been having in my beliefs, and some inner child healing. I started out my morning with coffee and sitting out on the deck at the picnic table.  It was a beautiful sunny morning. The birds were singing and there was just a slight breeze. The temperature was perfect, just slightly cool but warm. Looking out at the day, the clouds were just floating along and nature was waking up.

I pulled out the angel cards, the burn supplies and created my own incense. I do this by intuition and intention. 

 From lavender, rose petals, rosemary, frankincense resin and other items I am drawn to. (side note, each of these have different energy vibrations, ~ Roses are said to have a vibrational frequency of 320 megahertz (MHz), which is higher than any other plant. In comparison, the human body vibrates at around 62–72 MHz. Some believe that smelling roses can raise a person’s vibrational frequency.) I then burn it on a charcoal disc creating smoke and scents from the combination of herbs. The scent of the herbs and the smoking of them helps me clear and cleanse my energy and aura.

Pulling out my journal, I began to write, not giving a lot of thought to what I’m writing, just allowing the flow of words to come.

I get into observation mode, able to “see” the issue or block in a way that I wouldn’t normally. As I wrote, a pattern and ah-ha moment came of a better understanding of my childhood choices and how that has been an underlying theme for my life.

It was an amazing and powerful discovery. It literally opened up so many ways that I’ve been viewing my life choices and gave me the freedom and empowerment that I’ve been doing exactly what I’ve needed to all along!

This was a huge discovery for me and a big shift. I felt a little tired. It literally was MAYBE 15 minutes of writing.

This is what is so amazing about the solo retreat. I knew this was enough for the day, I needed to sit with this, allow it to anchor in and balance. The way that I’d seen things prior to this needed to leave, dissipate, heal out of my body and allow the space for this new feeling, belief and way of BEing.

I pulled out my art journal and started drawing and creating new art. I love getting lost in creation. Creating is such an important part of our human journey. The Universe is constantly creating, growing, expanding and we are all connected to Source whether we believe in it or not.

Do ever feel heavy energetically, dense, no feelings or little feelings, no happiness, no anger just numb?

Sometimes we need to be aware of creating. Creating doesn’t have to be with pencil and markers, it can be creating food, creating a new way to arrange your home, creating a new way to drive to work. The options are endless! 

Want to explore getting creative and get a good energy cleanse? Book a session as I’d love to explore this with you!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.