Prayer Vs. Meditation

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I’ve not always been a person that meditates or one who prays. I used to only connect with my Higher Power (God) when I needed something or was in a bind and wanted to get out of the feeling that I was feeling. My mind is constantly going from one thought to another, sometimes very deep thinking and other times whimsical.

When you pray for something, how often do you take the time to listen for the response? Meditation allows you the opportunity to listen. To quiet enough of the monkey chatter in your head to “hear”.

I started meditating around five years ago with a seven minute meditation. Seven minutes is a REALLY long time to sit in quietness! I remember looking at the time midway through thinking, am I done yet? It was a hit and miss on whether I meditated or not. It took me a couple of years to get it to the point where it is today.

Many people state they don’t believe they are meditating the “right” way. There is NO WRONG way. The biggest intention is to quiet yourself. Your mind may be at a ten on the volume dial and if you can get it dialed back to an eight you are doing awesome! There are many different tools to be used, some of mine are – The Honest Guys. The Honest Guys have a variety of guided meditations ranging from a two minute breath meditation to over an hour. I refer pretty much all my clients to start there.

Another tool I use is an app called Insight Timer (I have a Samsung phone).  It keeps track of your daily meditation, offers a variety of meditation options and lets you know how many people meditated each day, and how many are currently meditating. I L.O.V.E. knowing the energy vibration of meditation on a daily basis. As I am writing this, the app shows that 293,125 meditations have occurred today and right now there are 2,896 people meditating. What a wonderful feeling to know we are in this together!

I also do silent, journaling and walking meditations. I’ve also been known to use a mantra of simply BREATHE.

Why meditate? Because that is when you RECEIVE what it is you are seeking. Prayer is asking, Meditation is receiving.

There are days I don’t get a meditation in, I don’t beat myself up over it. I remind myself to simply be present as much as possible. Be aware of my surroundings and most of all be present when people are speaking to me.

If you don’t have a meditation practice, yet, try this right now.

  • Take in a deep breath through your nose, fill those lungs up, hold for a second, pay attention to the silence in that second, then breathe out your mouth slowly, releasing tension out of your shoulders, allow your body to sink into your chair.
  • Do this a couple of more times.
  • WHOOP!! You just did a mini-meditation!! You allowed yourself to get centered, to allow energy that no longer serves you to be released!
  • Now, one last step, take in that deep breath, only this time, think about what it is you want more of in your life.
  • Set the intention,
  • “I breathe in _____”, hold for a moment to allow it to sink in, then slowly release the breathe out of your mouth, allowing the intention to enter into your entire being, down to the cellular and even DNA level.

Here’s to you connecting in with your highest self, allowing whatever it is you want more of in your life to come in, and releasing out what no longer serves you!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.