Image of a small car covered in snow.

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As I write this on Sunday, October 14, 2018 I look out my patio door and see approximately three inches of snow piled on the banister. When I woke up at 3:00 am and saw it coming down, my first thought was, oh no, get your head wrapped around this Heidi. No time to dig into the depression that is opening its arms and welcoming me in. I have things I want to do, people I want to connect with and others I am to help heal.

When I logged onto Facebook, I saw a post by a friend who works at a hospice. She posted that a person in hospice was hoping to spend her last Christmas with family. It isn’t clear whether this person will live until December 25th. Volunteers decorated her room with Christmas decorations, people were coming to sing carols and another person was bringing Christmas cookies.  I thought, oh wow, the Universe is providing her with the snow and we get to be a part of this celebration of her human life!

I don’t know who this person is however, it made me think about how we are all connected. I also thought, hey, the snow is an inconvenience for me, it’s a winter wonderland for another. My perspective shifted and I feel lighter and more positive.

Do you suffer from the winter blues? Or how about not getting enough light for your body to function? When you connect with friends, co-workers or the public, do you find yourself complaining about the cold, snow, winter and darkness? Maybe you aren’t complaining, but others around you are?

Our words have power, more power than we realize. Our attitude and perspective really does affect our life!

What are some things you can become more aware of so THIS winter can be one that you find yourself much lighter, happier, more at peace?

If you find yourself complaining, remind yourself, change your perspective. I have a choice each morning I wake up. Choose to see life in a more positive light. I am open to seeing this life in a different way. I ask to see it in a way that allows me to live the life I desire.

Sometimes we need to take prescription medication to get our bodies functioning at a level that it isn’t able to on its own. That is okay. Sometimes the deep blanket of depression wraps us up so tight we have challenges getting out of it!

So, I write this, in the hope that you take steps now to not get all settled into the depression blanket.

Here are some things I’ve incorporated into my life for the last three winters and I’ve actually found myself enjoying the season!

  • I take D3 10,000 with K2 – Vitamin D with Vitamin K and Oil of Oregano 150 mg
  • When it snows or is cold, I don’t put much energy into it. I don’t curse it or fall into the “I hate winter” mantra – I simply look at it as weather and focus on the things that are important to me.
  • I make note of what I am eating. If I eat a fair amount of processed foods, I know it affects my attitude and how my body feels. If I do eat that way, I make sure the next couple of days I eat more vegetables and fruit to help cleanse.
  • I remind my body to get into the winter energy. I don’t try and fight it and stay in mindset of “I wish it was fall, summer or spring”. This just gives mixed signals to the body and makes it weak and sick.
  • I limit my time around negative people. They carry dense energies and it makes it even more challenging to stay in the positive.
  • Take an Epsom salt bath on a regular basis. Not able to take a bath? Get a dish pan, put water and the Epsom salt in it and soak your feet.
  • Get a pedicure – the kind where you get to put your feet in warm water. Your feet are such connectors to the rest of your body!
  • Rub lotion on your body on a regular basis. Remind the body how much it is loved!
  • Go to a tanning bed and get 8-10 minutes of light. While I don’t recommend this to everyone, sometimes I need to get some intense light. When I lay in the bed, I imagine myself on a beach, the water lapping up against the shore, the sun permeating my bones. It’s my mini-vaca.
  • Check out Escape Float Spa in Sioux Falls and in other areas it’s under Flotation Therapy.
  •  Salt Serenity Room – I have experienced the one in Brookings however, there is one located in Sioux Falls.  Himalayan Salt has been shown to help on so many levels for health. This is especially helpful if you have a cold or healing from upper respiratory illness.
  • Find things that you like to do inside. Winter is a great opportunity to do those things that allow your creativity to be expressed.
  • Move your body. So often, the sluggishness we feel is that we aren’t moving our bodies as much. Dance in your home, play uplifting music, find activities that get your body moving. And, let me remind you, your body may not like the first couple of times you attend yoga, Pilates, going to the gym, etc. but keep going. Eventually your body will get on board.
  • Drink more water! Water helps the cells stay full and healthy. When we get dehydrated our bodies start to feel the stressors easier and thus illness comes.
  • I listen to positive uplifting motivational recordings. Check out
  • I utilize the energy of stones/crystals. I use tourmaline for negativity and clear quartz crystal for clarity and clearing. Sometimes I sleep with them in my hand and other times tuck them in my bra or pockets. There are a variety of others that I use but those are my two “go to” ones.
  • AND – let’s not forget what I do for a living!! Get Reiki!! Reiki will help you on so many levels than what I can possibly describe. Releasing out toxins, moving your thoughts into a more positive place, helping with your perspective to name a few.

I hope the above ways to help embrace winter has helped provide you with tools. What are some activities or things do you do to help with the winter season? I’d love to hear from you!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.