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When I look at all the possibilities available to me I can get a little overwhelmed, well, probably more like a lot overwhelmed.

I love the above image and so I want to share my journey of a few of these items.

Start by doing 1 push up. What I did was I started going to yoga in May. I found, via a good friend, a yoga instructor that I aligned with. When I first started going, my intention was to just make it through class. My body was not happy because I was making it do things it wasn’t used to. My mind was telling me I couldn’t do poses, I couldn’t breathe right, and it was also saying things about being too big, too fat. Oh my, it was so challenging. But, I kept showing up. There were times I would look at the clock and think, we are ONLY 10 minutes into this class, how am I going to survive? But I did, I survived. You know what? There was a turning point that happened after three months or so that when we went to do a plank type pose I didn’t feel like I was going to face plant. There was a shift in my thinking. I was like, wow, I am strengthening myself, I’m getting this, this is worth it.

Start by drinking a cup of water. So, I used to drink 32 oz of pop every day. It was my go to drink of choice. I am a fountain pop type of gal. Personally, I believe Taco John’s has the best fountain pop. They have the right mix, not too much carbonation and just the right amount of syrup. Plus it’s Pepsi and I’m a fan of Pepsi over Coke, okay, I digress. Anyway. I knew that drinking that much pop really wasn’t good for my body, so I needed to make some changes. So, I started to drink more water. This was a process. I then changed from pop to coffee. But not just black coffee, I had to add sugar and cream. I then moved to raw sugar because I figured it was better for me, and then eventually to honey. Through this process, I have been increasing my water intake. Some days are better than others and sometimes I do drink a pop. Here is the funny thing, when I drink pop now, my joints ACHE so bad the next day. I feel OLD. So, it is my reminder, drink more water. Cleanse my system as much as possible so that my body can serve me to the best of its ability.

Start by deleting one old contact. On Facebook I used to periodically clean out my friends list. Those people that I didn’t have much contact with I would remove them. I didn’t do it out of any ill will, it just felt like the right thing to do. This one step, was the beginning of my awareness of who do I want in my inner circle, my support people. I have had to let some people go, and some of the letting go was REALLY difficult. Sometimes Spirit removes them from my life and then I get to trust that there is a bigger plan in play. I believe by surrounding myself with uplifting supportive people, I get to receive the abundance of this energy to help me live as full a life as I choose.

I am reminded of the development of a baby to a toddler. When the toddler is trying to roll over, it doesn’t succeed on the first try, it keeps trying over, and over, and over and one more time. Eventually, the baby rolls over! Why do we as adults think that our growth, our goals and intentions are anything different? We take one step and think why didn’t I get all the results? Because, silly, you weren’t meant to!

Here is the biggest connection to the above items. I found something to replace what I was currently doing. Little by little I focused on what I wanted to attain and the previous way I was doing things basically atrophied and died away. That is how we make changes. We focus on the intention (not stare it down, just gentle focus) and then ever so slowly, we shift into the space we desire to be. 
This is where meditation or quiet time comes into play. It helps us to reassess our intention and make sure we stay on track so we reduce the “squirrel” moments and lose track of where we want to be.

What is the one thing you get to start doing today?

More To Explore

One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


It’s been an interesting week of sessions and interactions out and about. There is a lot of talk of all the happenings, what is being shut down, taken away and

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If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.