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It’s been more than a hot minute since we’ve connected this way and it’s time to reconnect!
I’ve been updating my website, working with Stephanie Onken and it’s provided me an opportunity to go back through all the writings I have done since the fall of 2016. WOW, I am amazed of what came out of me. You want to get insight, clarity, deepen your self-connection… Go check out my old posts here in the Enlightenment section of my website. I am also looking at bringing some of them back and sharing with you again. They are all still very pertinent in the world we live in.
So, let me meander through my thoughts and share a few things. COVID-19, wow, what an amazing virus to go throughout the world and change every single person’s thought process, being and way their life is lived! As you read that sentence, take a moment to reflect over the past year and notice any nuances that have changed in your life and the lives around you. Things that used to really bug you are not as big of a deal or things that never made it into your awareness are now unsettling. So many changes and they are just continuing to ramp up and continue even more.
I have gone through so many energetic upgrades, insights, integrations, healings that many times I was not able to articulate all that I was experiencing. This is one of the reasons it has been challenging to try write and share insights. It feels, for me at least, a little bit of stabilizing right now. Ha, ha, that made me laugh, because by the time I send this out I may not agree with that sentence.
Lately I’ve had clients ranging in age from 12 to 70 plus, and presenting everything from physical discomfort, past life questions, inner child healings, questions on using crystals and stones, curious about Reiki, wanting to connect with their Spirit team (guides, angels, loved ones), Twin Flames, living between different time lines, clearing chakras and other blockages, connecting with loved ones that have passed over and these are just the tip of the iceberg! Oh how I love what I do and am able to offer!

So, let’s see, what else can I share with you? I am feeling like everything is in flux and I am learning to embrace more of this. I used to try and plan/goal set a year or more out. I may set some intentions but with the understanding that everything can look and feel different than what I originally thought. For a person that likes to be in control, this has been challenging! What I have found is that when I surrender to the process, I feel so free and unencumbered.  
This has gotten long enough, so I just wanted to say HEY, check in with you and send you joy-filled energy to lighten your day!
Until next time, shine your light and shine it bright. I am joining you and we will light up the world together!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.