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Never quit sounds great, but sometimes you gotta quit.
Be willing to say, “this isn’t what I thought it was,” or “this doesn’t appeal to me anymore.”
Remember that you can quit the “thing” without quitting on yourself.

Never is such a strong word, isn’t it? Quit is right there along with never. Thinking of oneself as a quitter isn’t ever something one wants. How often do you continue to do something even though you know it isn’t what really aligns with you?

Need some examples? Some of the jobs I used to have were definitely not in alignment for me. I stayed through some of them because I thought I had to. I’ve heard of people staying at jobs they consider miserable because they’ve been taught and believe they can’t quit something they’ve started. I got into a marriage that wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. I stayed, for ten years because I didn’t want to quit the marriage, so instead, I almost quit on myself. What about the way you think about things? The beliefs of how someone should be, how you should be, act or look? What about the comment of, you never stick with anything? Maybe the reason you don’t stick with anything is that you need to do more exploring of who you are so that you can align with what does?

There comes a time, when one needs to realize, how often they quit themselves instead of quitting the thing? This human life is to be experienced. You can’t do it wrong, you just learn along the way.

Making decisions about one’s life is a trial and error to be honest. In childhood, one may choose a friend due to the proximity of going to school together. All seems well for a while, but then, things change, people change and maybe that friendship doesn’t work anymore. The child doesn’t quit on themselves, they quit the friendship. As a teenager and young adult, choosing a job or what classes to take in college, these are tough decisions with very little knowledge and wisdom to go along with the decision. Deciding to make changes to those decisions is huge. They need to know it’s okay to make the changes, just don’t give up on themselves. As adults, we get into jobs, relationships, marriages, and sometimes these are not what we thought they were. We can feel like we have to stay, to commit to, to honor however, at what cost? Sometimes the cost is we choose the thing over ourselves. We don’t want to be a quitter.

What is lost in our thinking, is that we sometimes forget, we count, in all of this. We are the most important factor in all of it. How often do we give up or quit on ourselves rather than the thing?

Never give up or quit on yourself. There were times that I’ve wanted to quit on myself, thankfully they don’t happen anymore. It’s taken quite a bit to get to where I’m at. If you could see the path that I took to get here, the loopy loops, the detours, the forest of tears, with a sprinkle of sunshine, rainbows and brighter days, you’d see, I quit many, many things, but I was always there for myself.

What is going on in your life that reminds you to never quit on yourself but maybe you get to relook at the thing that needs to be quit?

never quit quote

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.