Never Confuse What You’re Offered, With What You Are Worth

Image of hands holding a rock with the saying You Are Worthy on it.

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When I saw this quote, it hit me that I get to relook at how I see myself and my worth. So many examples zoomed through my thought process. It made me think about relationships that I’ve had and how I accepted the bare minimum many times and felt I had to accept them. It affected the way I thought about myself and my worthiness. It also made me think of those jobs I had where the pay was minimal but the expectations were high.

I am worthy of respect, I am worthy of having boundaries, I am worthy of self-love, I am worthy of having my needs met, I am worthy to live an expansive life, I am worthy of having dreams, I am worthy of receiving joy and so much more.

So often we live in the basic needs’ energy vibration aka root chakra. Many have never gotten out of survival mode to step into flourish. Having a roof over our head, food, clothing, and a job is what many are living in. Our emotional and spiritual needs are sometimes left out of the equation.

When we are able to observe and bring into our awareness of what we are being offered we then get to choose if that is what we truly desire. We get to then make changes, albeit small to begin with. Creating a boundary, removing ourselves from a situation or person, or even taking time to nurture ourselves.

The Universe desires to bring all the goodness and abundance it has to offer. We get to decide how much or how little we want to receive.

So often when I ask a client, what do they want? It makes them pause because they’ve not taken the time to decide what they want, however, they know what they don’t want.

I have given the example of going into a candy store and the building extremely huge and deep. (my dad was a candy and potato chip salesman so we always had candy around – you can make this store whatever you desire). Most people take a couple of steps in and accept the first couple of rows of candy. These first few rows are the basics, the valentine candy hearts, the candy corn, the Necco wafers, and Hershey candy bars. They represent the basics of life. One can “make do” with them. This can correlate with your human experience and your feeling of worthiness. Do you want to experience the basics of life? Nothing wrong with that, no judgment, just know there is more. As we move our way through the rows of candy the experience gets better and more exciting. Imagine this being your life. Many of us believe nothing will change, even if we make a change, it will just be the same thing. Well, that is true if you aren’t willing to do the shadow work and look at what got you where you are currently. Once we are able to see how we got to where we are we can decide to make incremental changes in our thought processes, rewire the programming that has been done and start creating from a space that we remind ourselves we are sovereign beings having a human experience. I have made it to just about the middle of the candy store, let me tell you, the peace, calmness, and joy that I have had the opportunity to experience has been amazing! The delectable chocolates and decadent treats have given me more insight into a life that at one time I didn’t think was possible.

What are you currently being offered that doesn’t align with your authentic self? What feels off or out of balance? You have the ability to adjust and to create what you truly desire and know your worth. Not sure how to make that happen? Let’s connect, soon, so you can receive the tools to make your human experience all that you desire and or better!

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One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.