With the busyness in my life currently, I’m craving time in nature. Do you ever have that desire? To have quiet time, non-electronics and away from peopling?
So come along with me, in your mind and connect with nature. Then, if you are able to, schedule time to physically get outdoors, hug a tree or at least lean up against it. Listen to the birds and the other animals/insects. Feel the breeze upon your skin.
I am on a path, that is made up of well worn pebbles which strangely feel soft and yet firm against my bare feet. I like the sensation they provide as I walk upon them. There is a light breeze tickling the hair on my arms and my body likes the coolness it provides. I look around me and I see tall big trees that have seen and experienced much in their life. I feel comforted by their strength. The sun is just past the noon glare and it filters in through the variety of limbs of the trees. It feels magical. Upon the floor of the area I am in is a scattering of clover, small plants and mushrooms. I take a deep breathe in and smell nature, dirt, a sweetness and my body begins to calm. Reader, take a moment, close your eyes and imagine/sense the calmness. Feel your body relax with the exhale.
As I continue to walk along the meandering path, taking in all the sights, sounds and scents, I notice my shoulders letting go of the stress I’ve been carrying. The healing energy of nature is permeating my entire being. I smell smoke and initially am concerned but then as I take a few more steps, I see in the distance a
small campfire and an older woman tending to it. She is dressed in beautiful material that is glimmering, the bracelets clank as she moves her hands and when she looks up to greet me her face radiates peace, love and calm. My inner self is emotionally moved as this feels powerful. She nods at me, not speaking a word but I “hear” her. I sit down next to her. Sitting there I watch the fire dance, creating images that are fleeting and yet in the milliseconds that I see them I am mesmerized. Without having a conversation I am receiving so much information from her and I make an intention to remember as much as I can. Some I understand, much I do not.
When the timing feels right, I nod to the woman and get up to continue on my path. Grateful for this interaction. The pebble path continues on and I notice the landscape is changing, it is getting clearer, less trees and more open land. There are tall grasses moving in the breeze and the blue sky with the white fluffy clouds overhead feel expansive. I can hear in the distance, water, a stream actually, moving along at a gentle pace. As I approach the stream, there is an area where I can walk into and I do so. The water is so cleansing, the sensation goes from my feet all the way up to the top of my head. I have to take in a big breath and exhale to move the stagnant energy out of me. Reader, take a moment and imagine with me this sensation of the water, close your eyes and feel the clearing and cleansing through your feet to the top of your head. Do you feel a little lighter?
As I wade through the stream, feeling the softness of the sand, pebbles and moss I am calmed. My body is resetting itself. I’m no longer charged with a to-do list, the busyness, I am calming myself, I am connecting, I am centered.
As I step out of the stream, getting to the other side, I am ready. My body feels refreshed, my mind is calmer, and I feel at peace. I am grateful for nature. It teaches me each time I connect. Be in the moment, don’t worry about yesterday or tomorrow. Take in the wisdom of the old, words are not needed, connection is what matters. I hope you were able to come along with me, and had your own experience with nature, learning, growing, expanding, empowering.