When I ask clients if they meditate the usual response is a mumble or a statement of “I’ve tried but I don’t think I’m doing it right”. Each of us have our own ways to quiet ourselves, to quiet the mind, to allow calmness into our thoughts and sensations in our bodies. Many of us have no idea why it’s beneficial to meditate or have quiet time.
How friendly are you with your own Monkey Mind? Have you made friends with it and trained it to be quiet? Mine sometimes likes to test me. I have intentions of meditating and yet the thoughts just keep coming and coming. One way I’ve learned to not fight the Monkey Mind is to allow the flow of it to happen and still take time to be quiet. I’ve most recently been working with slowing the words down, not trying to stop the thoughts, just slow things to one word at a time and this has helped.
When I work with my Monkey Mind I find myself much more at peace, I’m able to handle day-to-day stress better and feel much more in alignment with my true self.

I read a quote in the daily calendar I have that was written by Sah D’Simone, “Today I stop allowing my mind to be untrained.” That sounds like a big ask, right? But it’s simple if you break it into baby steps, honey! Today, stop multitasking and commit to doing just one thing at a time. It’s a fast way to focus the mind and commit to concentration.
This led me into thinking about how proud I used to be in my ability to multi-task, especially when I was an Executive Assistant. I was in this whirlwind of energy every day and so proud of it. What I didn’t realize was that when I was in this whirlwind I was ignoring all other information that my body and mind were trying to give me. I was ignorant to health challenges, I didn’t want to pay attention to stress, or how I dealt with it, or lack of dealing with it. I had so much chaos going on inside of me is it any surprise that I was on two different anti-anxiety meditations with a backup of “take as needed” along with high blood pressure medication?
Can you see how multi-tasking and not taking time to connect within can affect you? Take a moment right now and reflect on where you are at in your life. What are you currently doing to help yourself live in your highest alignment? Being balanced doesn’t mean staying in one place, being balanced is being able to be in the flow as you move and grow.
Sometimes when I meditate everything is quiet, I am in the zone and can really connect deep within. I listen to nature sounds or a guided meditation or just the silence. Other times, I get to look for other tools to use to connect. Sometimes I journal, sometimes I oral journal on an app called Otter. I like this app as it displays the words you are saying thereby offering you an opportunity to see where you may have issues that need to be dealt with. Sometimes I draw or color. I trust my quiet time is exactly what I need in the moment I need it. What tools do you use to quiet your Monkey Mind? Movement of the body also is an amazing tool!
Can you see now how meditation/quiet time can be beneficial to you? Being in alignment with your authentic self helps you to connect on many, many energetic levels. It also helps the aspects that create chaos, unsettling energy, and stories of doom and gloom to become quiet thereby allowing you to better realize that this human experience is just that, an experience! You get to learn how to create the life and experiences you truly desire. Are you ready? What tools do you need? What tools need to be updated? Not sure? Let’s connect soon!