Monkey Bars and Life

Image of worn monkey bars on a playground.

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Remember as a child when you were trying to get the hang of going across the monkey bars?  No one just got up on them and went across easily. There had been failure in falling off and then getting back up.

At that time, did you think, oh, I can’t do that, and I give up?  I’m a failure.  No, that child within wanted to figure out how to make it across.  It was by believing in yourself, whether consciously or unconsciously that made you get back up and start again.

Monkey bars are a great life lesson.  One cannot move forward without letting go of the past.  At each rung of life, we are faced with moving forward or hanging on.  Sometimes we fall and need to start over.  Keep in mind, when we start over, we have more knowledge than we had before, we instinctively KNOW what we need to do to make it past that next rung.

When faced with a challenge, think of it as just another rung in life.  Sometimes we get blisters practicing and practicing but eventually, we get the hang of it and we can see the end.  At the end of the monkey bars (challenge) remember the feeling of accomplishment that you conquered the fear and you now have better insight and inner-strength.  Get excited, jump up and down, celebrate, do a little dance!  You are ALIVE and experiencing life!!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.