Money Energy Vibration

100 dollar bills falling down.

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I am reminded today of the financial abundance that is always available as I go to pay my bills. It is only recently that I have been able to align myself and better understand financial abundance from the Universe. It has taken me a bit of digging, uncovering, sometimes painful thoughts and beliefs to bubble up and get released.

You see, when I was married, I didn’t think I could get divorced because I couldn’t SEE how I was going to be able to financially make it. It was only until things got to crisis mode did I leave and it felt like I was jumping off a cliff and couldn’t feel a parachute attached. However, you know what is really cool? During my jumping off there was this pressure (really, I felt the hand of God on the middle of my back) that let me know that I was not alone and that I was being taken care of.

Oh, I didn’t TRUST it, but I heard the message. I can guarantee you my Guides and Angels have been exasperated with me over the years as they continued to put signs and guidance in my path to let me know all is well and I am being taken care of. Just relax they would say. For moments I would, then I’d jump back into fear and what-if.

You see, I’d gotten so used to the vibration of fear and what-if so when I reached for peace it was such a strange vibration that I could only stay there for a moment.

Today, I tell my clients, you can shift yourself into the place you ultimately want to be, however, know that you will go through some uncomfortable moments. The longer you can hold onto that uncomfortable feeling (focus on the feeling you want to have) the more you will align with it. It’s a muscle that when it’s not used it isn’t strong, it’s basically just hanging out.

There came a time in 2016 that I had had enough of my life the way I was living it. I decided I wanted to live my purpose and so I had a chit chat with Spirit and we made a deal. I would live my purpose and Spirit would take care of me financially. The hook? I had to TRUST and stay present.

When I first started my full time business I would step out of the trust and go into freak out mode, worrying and wondering how in the world was I going to pay bills? Then, in those moments, there would be a whisper, “I said to trust me”. The end of each month the money would always show up. It may be the last day of the month but it was always there.

How strong is your fear muscle? Beefed up pretty strong huh? Maybe even using steroids? What about that peace muscle? WHAT? Yeah, look around, it’s there, it may be hidden a bit behind fear but it’s there. Pull it out and use it a bit today.

Take a moment, close your eyes, take in a deep breath in your nose and then blow the breath out of your mouth. That breath out of your mouth was fear leaving. This next breath, imagine peace as a color, and breathe in the color, deep into your lungs and when you slowly blow this breath out allow the peace to expand out into your body and all around it. Repeat as needed.

When you go to pay bills, be thankful for the financial means to do so. Running short a bit? Remind yourself to breathe, to allow the vibration of financial means to come to you. What you are going through is temporary. Have all the financial means needed to pay your bills and then some? Be thankful and gratitude filled.

Now, here is another exercise to consider. One of the things that I started doing earlier this year to remind me of my financial abundance and my ability to attract money. I tuck away a $100 or $50 bill in my billfold for “emergencies” and sometimes when I have extra cash I tuck away a $20.  This is money I am not to spend, it is the vibration of the money that I want to get used to.  Once you have gotten used to this vibration of abundance, the next exercise is a bit more of a stretch but oh such a good one!

After you’ve gotten used to having the money vibration around, when you see someone that could use a bit of extra cash, say a homeless person, someone on the side of the road with a sign, a person behind you in the drive through driving a car that is a bit beat up, take that $50 or $100 and give it to them. Yep, give it to them!! No strings attached, let the freedom and flow of financial abundance flow through you and to another.

I had a situation come up a couple of months ago. A gal by the side of the road with a sign, I was in the lane that was stopped at a stop light. I got this thought/nudge that said “give her the money”. So, I had a $20 and a $100. I first went to get the $20 because I was scared if I gave the $100 that my financial abundance would end. But the message was, no, give her the $100, I told you I will take care of you. So, I handed her the $100 and her face lit up and you could see such relief. I drove away crying. Crying tears of joy and love. It was such a wonderful release to share the abundance! Here’s what is CRAZY GOOD, it was no more than 20 minutes from giving the $100 away that I had a client give me a $100 bill for payment. Um, yeah, REALLY frickin amazing!

So, what can you do today to start to shift your money vibration into an even stronger, peace-filled, abundance energy? Get your relationship with money on the positive, feel the gratitude of ALL the abundance of your life and you’ll be amazed that before you know it…you too will be in this awesome space!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.