Heidi’s Happiness
Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere,
doing something else, being someone else.
Isaac Asimov
On my walk today, I came across all kinds of wonderful nature items which got me to thinking how much these simple pleasures made me feel good.
I find myself looking down while walking on sidewalk in residential areas because sometimes there are raised concrete pieces which can be trippy (yes, trippy). So, while watching where I walk provides me an opportunity to look and see things that I normally would have looked past.
The ant, carrying something that was at least as large as its own body. My mind wanders and is amazed of the wonderment of this small bug and how it goes about its business doing what it was destined to do.
The dried up worms takes me to my childhood and after the rain, going out and discovering all the worms out on the sidewalk. I used to play with them and watch how they would move along in my hand, the sensation of it moving along my skin.
The grass clippings, the double samaras, also known as helicopters or whirligigs floating through the air, a random cotton seed floating (could that be an angel of sorts letting me know they are near?).
The smell of blooming lilacs or flower bushes, I breathe in a deep breath, taking in their intoxicating scent.
These simple things have provided me a feeling of positivity, of feeling up, of realizing this life I am living is amazing. This adventure of walking has taken me to places in my mind that I haven’t visited for a while.
What amazing things are happening in your life that you haven’t visited for a while? Take a moment, breathe in the awe-inspiring life you are living!!