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Heidi’s Happiness

Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere,
doing something else, being someone else.
Isaac Asimov


While walking the labyrinth on a Saturday during a retreat, I was trying to walk with intention. What I found myself doing is walking, rather quickly. Oh, I wasn’t race walking the labyrinth, I’m not sure someone can or would want to. However, I found myself slowing down, and even with that slowing down, I felt like I was walking too fast. I even paused for a moment within the labyrinth to stop the momentum, to start over and found this slower pace was what my body, my mind, my soul needed.

I thought, why do I feel the need to rush, move through things quickly? Because I keep hearing, life is short. Unconsciously I was feeling the need to rush through things, because, you know, life is SHORT! Rush, get to things, before time runs out. Fill the days FULL of things, experiences, fit it all in before the time runs out. UGH!!

This is no way to live. Life is as long as I choose it to be. It’s not short. My days could be filled with sitting and looking at the flowers and trees. Yes, an entire day. The fullness of that entire day of what one would experience could be as fulfilling as filling the day with doing things that have been perceived as being productive.

This conscious choice I get to make is sometimes moment by moment. I am learning to not feel the need to rush. Spirit reminds me of this especially when I’m driving. Probably because it really gets my attention quickly! I’ll be cruising along at my slightly over the speed limit pace and someone will pull in front of me, even though if they would have waited after I passed there was plenty of time for them to get into the lane. Most of the time I smile and remind myself, Heidi, breathe, be well, this is your reminder, you will arrive on time, no need to be anxious.

I’m sure I receive many more messages to slow down, be aware, be present but the driving part gets me, every, single, time. So, what have I learned so far in this life? While I may fill my days with productivity, check off things on my “to do” list, the times  I feel the fullest in my life, the days I really am glad to be alive, to be having this human experience is when I slow down, and notice all the awesomeness that I am living in.

What can you do today to be more aware of this beautiful journey you are on? To s-l-o-w down and embrace this human experience you are having? This human experience can be as long and rich or as short and sweet as you choose!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.