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It has been a challenging week for all. There needs to be a bit more tenderness in each of our lives. Many people are unaware of why they are reacting the way they are or even why they are feeling so out of sorts.

So, today, I send you kindness. Take a moment and put your hand on your heart, no really, please, stop, do this, feel that? That beating of your heart? You are alive! You are here on earth in an amazing time of transformation! You chose to be here!

I encourage you to focus on being kind to yourself. Is your body tired? The body is trying to communicate with you. The other night I slept for a total of 14 hours, no idea why I was so tired but boy did I feel so much better. Do you want to numb out and ignore everything? Set a timer and allow yourself to do so. I do this. No matter where you are (well, not driving silly) close your eyes, breathe in, hold for a moment and breathe out. Center yourself, call all your energy back to you. This can help if you are feeling out of sorts.

Be okay with having all the feelings. We are healing on so many levels. There are past traumas, thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are being brought up to the surface and being healed. The other day I was resting and during that space between being fully awake and almost asleep I felt my heart space open up and release something. It felt really good. I felt lighter. More open. I’ve also felt grief recently, a deep sadness. I am changing, evolving, moving into the space I ultimately want to be in and I grieve what I am removing myself from. Who I used to be, the way I thought, the way I navigated this world.

Be kind to yourself. Staying centered on yourself will help you come from an understanding of kindness. Those that are struggling, unaware, and reacting will not have as deep of an impact on you because you are taking care of yourself first. You are nurturing yourself, and while you may have no clue how to do this, take a first step, just focus on being kind to you.

Those self-defeating thoughts you have? Let them know they are not welcome in your thoughts. The “imposter syndrome”, has no space in your life anymore. I encourage people to choose color(s) that make them feel empowered, happy, confident. If anything, choose your colors and plaster them everywhere you look. Are there words or quotes that help remind you to nurture yourself? Hang them up in the bathroom, by your bed, at your work, in your vehicle. These are great tools to help you change, evolve, and most of all be the person you desire to be.

What can you do this week to show kindness to yourself? Fill yourself so full of kindness that eventually it will overflow and others can’t help but learn to be kind to themselves also!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.