Cutout image of a woman on a white background. Woman is filled with galaxy scene.

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So, I talk quite a bit about being authentic. This has been a journey of discovery for me to figure out what that even means. I’ve discovered, for myself, being authentic is being as aware as possible along with speaking my truth. Owning my behavior regardless of when that was in my life. I cringe sometimes to think of my behavior when I was in the depth of being overwhelmed and fully out of alignment of who I truly am, however, I will accept and love myself for the struggle I had and be thankful that I am growing and learning.

As the consciousness continues to evolve and so many people are unawakened and do not understand why they feel the way they do, there is a lot of anger, frustration, detachment, anxiety, and blaming going on with everyone. The divide and conquer programming has been turned up to 11 on the dial! Have you noticed this too? Have you noticed this within yourself?

Frustration as to why people are just so stupid these days? Yes, that’s a judgment statement to make a point. People are not stupid, they are unaware, they are caught up in their pain body or their mind-body. Each of us has a belief system, some of this belief has been handed down for generations and some of the belief has been evolving as new information is presented. We are also the “stupid” ones to others, so keep that in mind.

We are in a vibrational shift that is forcing each of us to deal with and heal those areas of grief, pain, anger, and frustration. I’ve been seeing in my clients’, areas of the heart and throat that are filled with the energies of all of these. If you’ve had COVID, or upper respiratory issues, throat pain, or a feeling like there is something caught in your throat you’ve most likely been moving through these feelings and thoughts energetically.

Our throat area is the ability to speak our truth, not others’ truth or what has been taught, but our own authentic self of who we are.

I was reminded today when I was in the drive-through of the need to be kind. I observed the person working the window and their energy was drained, they tried to put a smile on their face and I sensed they’d had enough. I mentioned earlier, the anger and frustration that is coming out of everyone. I cannot imagine having to deal with a large amount of angry people day to day AND putting a smile on my face. No wonder there is a shortage of people willing to work jobs that deal with the public. They’ve had enough and aren’t willing to accept it anymore, regardless of the dollar amount they are being paid. There comes a point, at least from what I’ve experienced, mental and physical health is much more important than any dollar amount being paid.

In what ways do you want to show up for yourself? How do you want to acknowledge what you are feeling and thinking? Continuing to practice some sort of centering, whether that is meditating, quiet time, being out in nature, connecting into your breath or a variety of other ways can help. Grace, for yourself and others. We are all doing the best we can right now and will continue to be in a constant flux of creating, which many people are trying to get the hang of.

Some tools I use are writing for fifteen minutes, mostly daily, I just write, whatever comes to mind. Closing my eyes and imagine seeing my lungs expand and contract as I connect with my body. Sitting next to a tree or walking in nature. I have set an intention to connect deeply with the energy of nature so when things appear to be a bit chaotic, I can connect with nature and know that all is well and I am safe.

One last thing, be kind to yourself. We each are navigating this human experience in the best way we know, and each day, we are receiving new tools and ideas of how that looks and feels. Nothing is the same as it used to be, the New Earth is evolving and we get to create what we truly desire. It may take some time to get there, but each baby step, no matter how small is a step, and sometimes, like babies learning to walk, we plop down and rest.

More To Explore

One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


It’s been an interesting week of sessions and interactions out and about. There is a lot of talk of all the happenings, what is being shut down, taken away and

Begin your path to a more authentic life

If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.