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Just like the drop in the ocean doesn’t see how it’s making an impact, you too do not understand the impact you are making.


I was texting with my daughter the other day and sharing with her the positive experience I had at 2nd Saturday. For those of you not aware, I host an event called 2nd Saturday every month. It’s for people that are becoming aware of the synchronicities in life, being aware of their energy, and the understanding there is something more going on around us. I was guided by Spirit last December to start holding this monthly event and I basically went into it blindly, not knowing what I was supposed to be doing, but I was definitely to be hosting it. The attendance started out small, 1-3 people, and has built to a pretty steady 14-15 people (both men and women) in attendance. My goal is to simply hold space for people to come together and share their thoughts and experiences. I also am as authentic as I can be in leading the group.

In our texting conversation she stated I was doing so much for the people here. That got me to thinking about how, at times, I feel so inadequate and how I don’t feel like I’m doing enough.

You ever feel that way? Like you think somehow you can squeak out just a bit more of yourself to share with others?

I am learning, ever so slowly, that I am enough. I am enough just as I am. I don’t have to change, I don’t have to adjust, that by simply being Who I Am I make a difference. Along this line of thinking I am also reminded to love myself. Yeah, right!? No, really – loving myself – giving myself love.  Take a moment, right now, put your hand on your heart, and say to yourself – I love myself, I give myself love, my heart beats to the vibration of Universal love. I am worthy and I deserve love.

As the holiday’s start next week, remind yourself, you are making an impact in this world by simply being here at this moment in time. May you feel the vibration of love I am sending to you and may you allow your love to ripple outward into the world!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.