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Okay, so I’ve been very quiet on posting These Thoughts I Have. It’s not that I haven’t had thoughts, TRUST me, I have streaming thoughts all. the. time.

I’ve been doing my work, my showing up, my checking in to see what may be hanging around me that no longer serves me kind of work. When I am in this mode, it is very difficult to write out what it is that I am going through. Many times I feel very raw and vulnerable and it doesn’t feel safe to share.

I work with a variety of healers, and yes, I pay to receive this help. I also keep myself open to the messages and insight that Spirit is providing me on a daily basis.

How does all this help you? Because I am showing up for my own work, I get to learn not only how to navigate my own pain, healing, growth, expansion and I then get to deepen my ability to help you heal also!

Recently at a gathering I was leading, it came to my awareness that many people see me as so strong that I can’t have or show weakness. I think sometimes we want to believe that SOMEONE has to have all their shit together and that somehow if I can get all my poop in a group that I too will have it together.  Here’s the deal, because there is only expansion and no actual end, there will never be a moment that it’s all together!! Isn’t that awesome!? Yep, it surely is! Because, we get to know that where we are at, in this moment, in this time, is EXACTLY where we are supposed to be!
Here are some things that I have learned.

  • The more inward healing I do, the easier it is to move through the pain/discomfort
  • The first step is ALWAYS the hardest
  • Sometimes it feels like I’m stepping off a cliff when I’m really just stepping off a curb
  • My fear of the unknown is much greater than anything I have ever gone through
  • Once I’ve faced the fear, it is so miniscule that I can’t believe I stayed in the place of fear so long

When I am on the other side of fear, I feel so much lighter, joy-filled, peace-filled and KNOW in my heart and being that I was meant to be exactly where I am!

Where are you at in your life? Where in your body do you feel discomfort or even pain? You get to decide when you’ve had enough and that you get to move through and let go. When we let go, we allow space to welcome in what we want more of. 

Sometimes we have emotional baggage or belief baggage we don’t even realize is with us as we’ve carried it around for so long we think it’s part of our being. It is by showing up for ourselves and doing the work, we get to look at it and decide, nope, not carrying this around anymore.  

Are you ready? I would love to walk alongside you, holding space and healing as you determine what you want more of in your life and what no longer serves you. I can provide you insight and clarity and a bit of a different way to look at your interactions with yourself and others.

Let’s connect soon. I’m waiting, trusting Divine timing that you and I will connect when you are ready!

More To Explore

One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


It’s been an interesting week of sessions and interactions out and about. There is a lot of talk of all the happenings, what is being shut down, taken away and

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.