As I sit at my desk, typing this out, I am in full on gratitude mode. Yesterday, KDLT (a local television station) broadcast a story about me and how beneficial reiki is.
What I am reminded of in this moment of acknowledgement and affirmations is how far I’ve come. I think of those moments that I was at my darkest and wanting to give up. To feel so depressed, so tired, so overwhelmed and almost hopeless. While I was in those moments I could not comprehend being where I’m at today, however, I think there was an itty bitty piece of an ember that stayed glowing.
Winter can be a very challenging time and I want to share with you to not give up and to hang in there for another day. I want you to know the ember in you may only be glowing, but it is gathering energy so when the time comes for you to shine, you will be ready.
It is BECAUSE of my dark times I so appreciate this moment. If I would not have experienced the ugly how could I possibly appreciate the beauty?
I think of the times the negative thoughts had such a hold on me and how at times I fed those thoughts, those beliefs that I was not worthy. I am so thankful that I did not succumb to them. I’m not sure when I started shifting my thought process, but I do know it was a S L O W process. But just like when the train leaves the station and picks up steam, so did my positive thoughts, my way of living and how I fed those thoughts more and more positive energy. I still have my moments of negativity, but I don’t unpack and live there.
I share my light, love and joy so that you can hopefully feel the strength, the guidance, the support that I send to you. I am nothing without others, each person that I meet, that I come in contact with has touched my life in ways I do not comprehend however I am thankful for all of it!
Today, how can you take steps to grow into your own light? Even small baby steps can lead to great leaps!