Finding/Living with Intention

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So as Winter has continued to show up, allowing us opportunity to go inside ourselves and look around, it has provided opportunity for me to ponder many things.

People are searching for their purpose (intent) and many times believe it’s supposed to be something big. What one gets to better understand is that there are a lot of little things that are going on before anything bigger happens.  This got me to thinking about how I got to where I am in my life. It’s a lot of little things that I, on purpose, have incorporated into my life. They are such a part of my life now that I really had to think about it over many days to figure it out.

I have a quote on my meditation app that says “I meditate daily, that is my consistent. How, when and where is my variable.”  That is how I live my life, I choose to have variables and that is my consistent.  So, I share the below with the explanation that I don’t necessarily do these every day, however, on some level there are variables each day that I incorporate into my life.

  • Upon awakening, I have a gratitude that I am here. I no longer wake up with dread that I have to face another day. I choose to think this and I have found it is a better way to start my day.
  • I do self-reiki before getting out of bed (most of the time).
  • When showering and getting ready, I am open to receiving information from my higher source. The daily maintenance of this body has become second nature and thus allows me an opportunity to “meditate” in a way and still get myself ready. I “listen” to my Guides, Angels, Spirit, Universe, Loved Ones, Higher Self, as there are always messages I get to receive.
  • I light my sage bundle every morning to cleanse and put an energetic layer of protection over me.
  • I live in consistent gratitude. Even if I am feeling irritated, I am thankful for having the ability to acknowledge the irritation and the understanding that I have the control to keep the irritation as long as I want or to let it go.  What a wonderful feeling of being in control of my own emotions (most of the time).
  • I have a small water fountain on a timer and it runs every day. I love coming home and having this trickling water sound of cleansing and healing.
  • I pay attention to when I’m not feeling creative or have avoided doing things that normally bring me happiness and joy. I know that something is out of balance and I choose to look at what is happening so that I can bring that joy back into my life.
  • I listen to my body and ask what it is trying to tell me.  Recently I’ve had some concern over my knee areas for both legs. On the right leg it was a ligament that was pulled during yoga in December and I only noticed it when I was doing yoga and getting on my knees. The left leg felt like it had pooled all the energy into the knee and so the thigh and calf were energetically “cold” feeling. I’ve since been able to move through both of the concerns and learning more about my thoughts. Knees many times are associated with the ego and not wanting to move forward in life. There is so much to learn from our bodies if we will just make the time to listen to them!! A good book to refer to is by Louis Hay You Can Heal Your LIfe.
  • Having an abundance mindset. Many times abundance is only thought of being monetary. At least that is what I used to think. As I’ve shifted my belief system to a  better understanding that the Universe doesn’t look at abundance so narrow minded. As I continue to feel the abundance of health, mind, friends, tribe, home, food, clothing, money, the expansion of my life continues to unfold in ways I never dreamed of!
  • Facing fears. Lately it’s been coming to me how important it is to face ones fears. We have a tendency to not want to look at the fear and in our minds it continues to grow bigger and bigger, many times to the point that it keeps us frozen from doing anything. What came to me the other day is that when we look at our fears, we then can come from a point of working through them and the opportunity to realize how big and beautiful our energy is and our I AM that nothing can keep us held hostage if we don’t want to be. When I have looked at my own fears, I realize how small they really are because of the expansive support and insight Spirit is ready and willing to provide to me.

So, these are just a few of the things that I have in my mindset and how I live. I believe my life is where it is at today because of these things. I know my life is ever expanding and I look forward to the wonderful ways I continue to live out my purpose, no matter how small or how big I am filled with gratitude!

In closing, I want to share with you a little story that happened the other day. This is just another way my Guides help me to live my purpose.

I was driving along South Minnesota Avenue, heading to get my daily coffee fix before heading to Pilates. The city bus was pulled to the curb and as I turned into the driveway a man went running by, clearly trying to make the bus before it took off.  In my mind, I cheered on this man to make it to the bus. As I drove further into the parking lot a message/thought came in to say, go see if he made it. So, I turned the car around and unfortunately he was walking away from the bus stop looking very forlorn. I rolled down my passenger window and asked him if he needed a ride. He said he did so I told him to jump in and I’d give him a ride to the bus station downtown. We introduced ourselves and he was telling me that he was trying to get into the National Guard and was starting a new job on Monday (this was Friday). He said he had a drug test result that was pending and that he wouldn’t have any problems passing any of it. He sounded like a person that was trying to better themselves and needed just a little extra help. As I approached the bus station another thought/message came through and said, “Give him the $100 bill you carry in your billfold. You won’t miss it and to this man it will mean so much”.  So before the man got out, I told him I have something for him, found the money and handed it to him. Telling him to take care and believe good things are happening for him. He hugged me and told me I was an angel. You know, sometimes, each of us get to play angel. How often do you pay attention to be able to be one? I feel so blessed and filled with gratitude that I am at a place in my life that I get to do these things for others. Even if all I do is think positive thoughts as I go into a store or stand next to someone in a line. How awesome is this human life that each of us gets to live??

Do you believe you are living your purpose or living intentionally? What can you incorporate into your life today that will expand your intention even more? It’s the baby steps that help you make strides later on!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.