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Heidi’s Happiness

Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere,
doing something else, being someone else.
Isaac Asimov

I’m working with Nikki Lee, who is in the process of getting her Health Coach certification. I volunteered to be one of the people she gets to work with to receive the certification. I knew by going into this, the process would not be easy. I just didn’t realize how challenging it would be for me though!

I have learned so much about myself in the two short weeks we’ve been working together. The course is 90 days and so have a few weeks left. I look forward to continuing to excavate and cultivate all that comes up!

For the last two weeks I’ve been feeling depressed, sad, conflicted, distraught, shame, so many low vibrational energies it has been difficult to not want to stop the process. These feelings have been within me and I’m now encouraging them to come to the surface. Normally, I’ve been eating my way through to keep these feelings shoved down deep. I’m now at the point I don’t want them anymore and so I’m letting them go. I’m creating space for what I do want to have in my life and in my body.

Yesterday, I realized that I eat to satisfy my taste buds. It has not occurred to me to eat to nourish my body. I’ve had such a disconnect for so long it’s like I’m needing to introduce myself to my body! Let me just say that’s a bit f’d up! But it’s what I’m feeling and sensing.

I have also found myself in the habit of not moving my body much. I have on my phone a tracker of movement and let’s just say, there aren’t a lot of steps taken in a day up to this point. Especially now that I have my own business and there are days I don’t leave the apartment. In my journaling, I started to think about why I should want to move my body, besides the health aspect. I realized I want to go on more adventures. Adventures of walking, hiking, bicycling, exploring and how can I expect my body to be able to do this if it is not strong and the muscles developed?

So, I’m reminding myself daily, that i get to go on more adventures each time I move my body! I went for a 20 minute walk Sunday and a 45 minute walk on Monday! I have been going to yoga and Pilates weekly but I get to find other ways to move also!

What feelings do you have within your body? Are you connected and understand the need to nurture nutritionally, spiritually, emotionally and physically? Take a moment, check in and see what responds. You may just be surprised of the answer that comes!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.