It’s Saturday evening around 6:30 pm and I’m sitting here trying to gather my thoughts to write to you. It’s been a super interesting week of roller-coaster feelings, thoughts, and adjustments. Anyone else going through bouts of irritation, woah is me or victim thinking to ah-ha moments of understanding and reflection? There is definitely a feeling of change coming and it’s not just the falling of the leaves and the change of seasons.
One thing I’m aware of is that I’m in transition with my stained glass, Stacey’s closed today (10.28) and I will be moving my display rack back home. I took a chance and decided to sell the stained glass I created and I’ve been so appreciative of how many have chosen to purchase. I really do enjoy creating all of it! I currently have product at Knotty Gnome (see the bottom of this newsletter) and I am also locating other businesses that offer makers to sell their product. I have a couple of places in the works and will announce as soon as things are finalized.
Enjoy the newsletter this week, lots of quotes and thought provoking ideas!
On Facebook I follow a couple of people/groups that are important to me to keep perspective and be aware. One of those is A Spiritual Aspect. In order to join you need to be invited, so if this is something that resonates with you please, let me know and I’ll invite you! Pam is a former class-mate from high school. I thoroughly enjoy her daily posts of tidbits along with all the tinctures, freeze-drying and herb creating she does.