Image of a woman with her face in her hands surrounded by people in motion.

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The other day a direct messaging conversation started out like this:

So could the shift to 5D have me wanting to shift some big things, like starting a new business venture or changing jobs and looking at my relationships and making BIG changes to them? It’s scary to think of all these changes… essentially it’s like starting life over again, but with a bunch of wisdom. So scary… is that “normal”?? I’m struggling to know if I’m making the right decision, yet all signs are pointing that way. I’m resisting so much.

My response was; why the resistance? What is all there and why the fear? Who or what do you fear? What if you shift fear into something else? What is your authentic self-desiring? What is the Universe wanting to give you?

We went deeper into the conversation.

I’m a planner; so fear of the unknown… trying to walk into a new phase of life with no backup plan, because I feel at this juncture any plan I make would be limiting myself because the universe has far greater plans for me than I do (if that makes sense). My fear is also that I’m playing the “grass is always greener” thinking 5D would be so much better than 3D. Yet when I make the changes to head in that direction, I’ll actually miss the aspects of my 3D comfortable life.

My authentic self is desiring more authenticity. More pure love, and the ability to give love more openly. The ability to be more child-like with play, and the ability to express me more freely.

My response; 3D and 5D are not separate, you simply expand to 5D and 3D Is still within. You just will choose to be less in 3D as it feels very fake and empty.

Do you resonate with the above?

I still live in 3D, being in this human body, and doing all sorts of 3D things such as shopping, driving, going to appointments, cleaning and so on. I choose to observe my actions and thoughts as much as possible and make slight adjustments where needed. I do not beat myself up about any of my “mistakes” anymore. I choose to come from a place of loving kindness for myself. I forgive myself for behavior or words that weren’t in alignment with who I truly am and I trust the individual that may have been on the receiving end will understand and provide me grace. I let go of the fear and be open to learning.

I used to be a planner, like if it was Wednesday, I wanted to know what I was doing Friday and Saturday. I wanted to be able to know what was happening. Some of that has to do with anxiety and the need to think through situations or questions. What I have learned in this journey is to be more in the moment. I actually am more at peace when I am present for myself.

Oh, I hear you say, but Heidi, I have lots of responsibilities, and how in the world do I live in the moment? Here is the cool tool. I am not saying you don’t need to plan meals, events for your children, and so on, what I’m saying is that when choosing to be aware, observe and be in the moment you learn how easily and effortlessly it is to guide the energy, make it work for you rather than be in resistance.
When we think, “I don’t have time”, we are in resistance. Time is a human construct, what if you shift your thinking to, I have all the time that is needed, I work with time (energy) and thereby am in the flow of my authentic self. Living less in the fear and more in the flow.

One more thing, we each have this aspect that loves to create stories. Some people’s Aspect are amazing storytellers! They create such doom, gloom, and end of the world scenarios in their fear-based thinking. What about the Aspect that wants to create positive, uplifting, expansive, stories? We seem to rarely create stories about wonderful and amazing things happening! Why is that? Is the program of fear so deeply embedded that if you truly understood how expansive, empowering, and magical you are that nothing could stop you from living the life you desire? It’s a shift of thinking. It’s taking the fear and having a conversation with it. Asking, why is it so strong, how does it serve you (it does, otherwise you wouldn’t have it around) and why do you keep going to it as a safe space?

Below is an image of a wheel of descriptive words that may help you shift some of your thinking. Want to feel more joy? Start out being more optimistic. If you believe you are a positive person but have a lot of descriptive words in the “mad” category, maybe you need to relook at things. This is not to say we don’t have all the feelings and experiences, just making notes where things may be a bit out of balance. I desire to have all of the feelings and experiences in this human journey. Give me sadness but also I desire laughter. Just keep it real and authentic.

Fear has played a huge role in my life and at times still continues to do so. Not as huge as it used to be, so it’s a work in progress. I have learned to trust myself, trust the Universe and trust unseen forces that are helping me in this journey of empowerment and living my most authentic light-filled and loved-filled BEing. Want to delve deeper into where you are at in your fear and trust? Let’s connect soon!

More To Explore

One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


It’s been an interesting week of sessions and interactions out and about. There is a lot of talk of all the happenings, what is being shut down, taken away and

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If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.