Have you been feeling exhausted, weary, drained or fatigued – emotionally, physically, spiritually, and/or mentally?
Do you have difficulty saying no to things, are you in the habit of saying yes at the detriment of your health?
Did you realize the belief that one must expend themselves to nothing is a program? Programmed to ignore the physical body as it sends you messages that you are out of alignment. The body starts out sending messages with an ache here, a twinge there. It is communicating with you. The thing is, is that most likely you have no clue what the language of your own body is. It’s like a foreign language.
One way to connect is to meditate or allow quiet time. This will give you an opportunity to learn the language of your body. Slowing the thoughts or turning the volume of the thoughts down so you can hear the communication of your body.
Why is it important to slow the thoughts down? When we go within, we connect to our authentic self, to the Universe and Spirit. We get to realize everything; animals, people, and nature are connected.
Oh, I can hear you now telling me that every time you try to do that it never works. I hear you, validate you and understand. However, let’s look at one tool you could use to at least get things started. As always, I see this as an energetic muscle and we need to start out small otherwise we will get overwhelmed and frustrated and give up.
Connecting to your breath. The 4×4 breathing technique is a perfect way to fit into your day. Breathe in for a count of four, hold for a count of four, breathe out for a count of four, and wait for a count of four. Repeat this for a set number or times or minutes. Start out small – no more than 20 times or 2 minutes. You determine how often throughout the day. This exercise can be done anywhere, in your car, standing in line, sitting at your desk or waiting for an appointment. This can help you calm the thoughts or at least let the thoughts know that they don’t get to run rampant.
This is just one example of what you can do to learn the language of your body. Here’s the thing, we can DO all the suggestions that are given to us but if we don’t take the time to get perspective on what is happening nothing will change.

In the past I’ve had issues with my knees. They act up every once and awhile. I’ve explored all kinds of modalities about them, and wondered because my Dad’s side of the family had knee issues maybe I am supposed to also? Right now, what I’ve learned is that my ancestors sometimes reside energetically in my knees, causing serious pain and discomfort. Sometimes they do this to communicate with me. At times, I’ve told them to get out of my knees and to communicate with me other ways. Then I pay attention to signs and messages that I am to receive. I’ve also found recently when my oldest sister and younger older brother had knee issues this year I felt their pain before I knew they were having problems. This is what I mean being able to understand the language of our bodies.
Recently I was having a conversation with someone that had been having nose bleeds and then the body amped up and was bleeding from other areas. Her body was literally bleeding out, her life source was beyond screaming for help to stop and rest. She did seek medical care and they took care of a few things, then sent her back home. She discovered through our conversation she needed to stop, literally stop and do nothing but sit for two days. It was a humbling experience for her and very uncomfortable. During this quiet time she was able to connect within and learn to trust the messages that had been trying to get through to her. She is learning the language of her body and they are communicating on a better level. She is gaining her strength back, little by little.
I’ve said for a very long time, if we ignore the signals our body is sending to us, eventually, the body will stop us, whether that be with a serious illness, an injury or something else.
We are living in a time that the energies are shifting throughout the day, expanding, growing, multiplying and for the most part, people don’t recognize it. We used to have energies shift over a period of months, we are now in a much quicker vibration and this can cause even more feelings of exhaustion.
I found this on Instagram – it’s titled “14 Things Children Need More Of”, I believe it should be 14 things humans need more of…
- Unstructured play
- Sunlight
- Nature
- Hugs
- Freedom to explore
- Play time with others
- Laughter
- Simplicity
- Belief in their goodness
- Daily rhythms and rituals
- A calm environment
- Compassion
- A shoulder to cry on
- Expressed gratitude for who they are
If you are feeling tired, exhausted, or even out of sorts, schedule a session. Let’s talk and let me provide energetic healing to help you relieve some of the heaviness you are carrying. It’s time to learn new ways in being so you can feel light-filled, loved, energetic and happy.